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If Obama can stand up to Scotland, why can't he stand up to the Republicans?

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oldironside Donating Member (835 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-26-09 01:50 PM
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If Obama can stand up to Scotland, why can't he stand up to the Republicans?
"Well, my fellow American expats, we had a good run. Almost a whole nine months of the rest of the world thinking we were the cool kid in the cafeteria, as opposed to the inbred, pock-cheeked bully who was likely to shoot them with an air rifle behind the gym if they didn't hand over their potato chips. We were Corey Haim in the 1986 film Lucas, the former high school pariah who is suddenly lifted on to the shoulders of the world and carried through the campus.

Admittedly, maybe some hopes about The New America, AM (Anno Messiah), were a little high. But still, one might have hoped for coverage of post-Bush America a little less shaming than YouTube clips of town hall meetings filled with people whose parents probably had the same surname before they got married, insisting that Obama has "Nazi policies", the Nazis being well-known for their interest in expanded healthcare."

Funny column from an American expat living in London. Worth a read just for her one line analysis of Silvio Berlesconi.
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Anarcho-Socialist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-26-09 04:17 PM
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1. An entertaining column
She mentioned Glenn Beck, and I do wonder why he's got a regular tv show and radio broadcast? I know he's very RW and everything, but surely in any other country his employers would have given him leave to sort out whatever emotional issues he's having. Bursting into tears 5 times every hour just doesn't seem like the actions of a functioning adult.
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oldironside Donating Member (835 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-27-09 12:09 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's an indictment of the American health care system.
Under any decent system Beck would have been sectioned for his own good a long time ago.
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