Stop Press: Jewish Bolsheviks to blame for Holocaust(With thanks to Nothing British About the BNP)
When Lee John Barnes, legal officer of the British National Party, proclaims on his blog, “WW2 – Time To tell The Truth” you wonder if at long last the BNP leadership is simply going to tell its followers that Nazism was a uniquely hideous ideology; and that its innumerable crimes against humanity were epitomised by the Holocaust. But then you read the article, (penned as a response to Leo McKinstry in the Daily Express) and once again the grim reality of the BNP hits you between the eyes: because this is a poisonous and revealing article that depicts the Holocaust as a defensive action against
“Jewish Bolsheviks”.
“…The Holocaust was the price ordinary Jews of Europe paid for the actions of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia after the Russian Revolution.(snip)
"The fact that Bolshevik scum like Rosa Luxemberg have statues erected in their honour in todays Germany shows how sick and degenerate Germany has become.
She would have turned Germany into a death camp like the Soviet Union, a charnel house of horror and murder with gulags filled with Germans, Jews, democrats and nationalists.
It was the actions of Bolshevik filth like Rosa Luxemberg in Germany during the Spartacist Uprising that allowed Hitler to equate Jews and Bolshevism – and thereby prepare the way for the Holocaust."Blah, Blah, Blah etc.
More: (Community Support Trust)
The BNP kept a bit quiet about the Jooos for a few years as it was harming their image. Nick Griffin praised Israeli foreign policy on the doctrine of "the enemy of my enemy" as BNP found votes to be had in Islamophobia.
The BNP grassroots of anti-Semites were never happy with this, and there were always breaches from the Party line. The recent open anti-Semitism from the party leadership is no accident.
According to "Nothing British About the BNP" (, the BNP have now reverted to an anti-war stance now that middle England has lost appetite for the wars in the Middle East. BNP are now calling them wars for the "benefit of Zion."
I always wondered how long the BNP's tactical but uncomfortable pro-Israel position would last. I now have my answer.