ICM poll puts Greens ahead in target Westminster seat - Greens best placed to stop Tories in Brighton Pavilion constituency
Headline results
1. The Greens have the greatest support with 35% of the constituency's voters followed by the Conservatives on 27%, Labour on 25% and LibDems on 11%.
2. Almost two thirds (63%) of Labour and Lib Dem voters in the sample said that they would be likely to switch their vote to the Greens if that party was best placed to stop a Conservative win. 37% said they were very likely and 26% said they were quite likely to switch their vote in that situation.
The telephone poll of 533 voters adjusted to match the local electorate's profile and undertaken by ICM Research's Government and Social Unit between 16 - 21 December 2009, suggests the Greens enjoy a 10 point lead over Labour and an 8 point lead over the Conservatives in the constituency.
http://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/untitled-document1.htmlStill a bit of time to go till the election, but that looks like a credible poll. It'd be a little bit of history if it happens.