It costs more to keep children in local authority care than to send them to Eton, according to the founder of The Big Issue.
John Bird said the money spent by taxpayers on looking after the poorest in society dwarfs that paid by wealthy parents towards private education.
The outspoken social campaigner, who set up the magazine sold by homeless people in 1991, has written to David Cameron urging him to reform Britain’s benefits system, which he believes traps the worst-off in poverty while fuelling addictions.
Official figures show that the cost of keeping vulnerable children in care homes is £2,428 a week. Fees for boarders at Eton College, meanwhile, are £29,862 a year which averages out at £574 a week.
“To send a boy to Eton will cost around £250,000 in fees and that goes up to maybe £350,000 when you add in skiing holidays and university,” said Mr Bird.
“Around 80 per cent of people selling The Big Issue have been through local authority care at a cost of £2,000 a week. That’s £100,000 a year, £1million if they have spent 10 years in care. And the money that’s spent on them is yours and mine.”
He wrote in his letter to the Prime Minister, who himself was educated at Eton: “All the monies spent by the comfortable on their children pale into insignificance beside what we spend on our poorest child. Existing government structures and policies work to create crime and poverty.”
Mr Bird claimed that the “drug crime industry” would be “lost” without the support of the welfare state, while betting shops, the alcoholic drinks industry and fast-food outlets would all suffer without the business they receive from those on the dole.
He believes new claimants should be forced to work for benefits, possibly by providing care for the elderly or keeping towns clean.