Not the least skill required of a political leader is judgement, and especially judgement in the people around him. On that basis, Ed Miliband has flunked his first serious test in appointing Alan Johnson as shadow chancellor. I would even go so far as to say that Labour would be far better served by Mr Johnson as leader – reassuringly right wing and with a great life story to sell – and the nerdy and crafty Ed chucking bricks at George Osborne.
Mr Johnson is political gold, but rather miscast in the world of cyclically adjusted fiscal deficits; he just looks like he’d be bored stiff by the wonkish stuff, but economics is unusually wonkish just now.
Ed Balls was the obvious choice; even if his polices were wrong (and time will tell on that) he’s be able to get away with it via bluster and cleverness. Maybe Ed was too scared of him. But Balls won’t be going away. Nor his missus, who must be almost as disappointed. Still, at least they won’t have to get divorced now.