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Cherie uses eBay to sell Tony's autograph for £10

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Hopeless Romantic Donating Member (495 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-27-10 05:38 AM
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Cherie uses eBay to sell Tony's autograph for £10
With her QC's salary and a multimillionaire husband who commands five-figure sums for after-dinner speeches, Cherie Blair could hardly be described as hard up. But in these troubled economic times, it seems that every little helps.

The former prime minister's wife has been caught selling her husband's signature on eBay for £10. An initial asking price of £25 failed to garner any bids.

The unusual auction was discovered by a fellow eBay user who had previously sold items to Mrs Blair and had kept an eye on her personal profile. A spokesperson for the barrister admitted that she had been the seller of the autograph, but claimed she had been trying to undermine other sellers auctioning their own Tony Blair signatures.

"Cherie Blair was cross that people were selling Tony Blair's signature when you can get one for free," her spokesman said. "She was trying to undermine the market and as soon as someone bought it, she refunded it straight away to make the point."

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LeftishBrit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-27-10 11:37 AM
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1. I wouldn't spend 10p on his autograph!
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oldironside Donating Member (835 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-27-10 11:55 AM
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2. I would...
... but only if it were attached to a full confession.
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