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UK preparing to pretend they can’t get to work as snow approaches

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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 07:22 AM
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UK preparing to pretend they can’t get to work as snow approaches
UK workers are planning a fun-filled long weekend as weather forecasters have revealed that significant snowfall will provide workers everywhere with a highly plausible reason for not going to work.

Northern and Eastern parts of the UK are expected to bear the brunt of the wintry conditions, leading to some office workers in Leeds using their lunch breaks to let down the tyres of council gritters and empty salt supplies into the nearest drain.

People from southern and western parts of the UK are determined not to miss out on a few free days off, and have revealed the planning in place to ensure they take advantage of even the briefest of snow flurries.

“I’ve saved a picture on my phone from last year that shows me walking my dog in thick snow, ” revealed customer service administrator Gareth Jones.
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Jeneral2885 Donating Member (598 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-27-10 08:32 AM
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1. I hope
the train workers dont pretend. i don;t want to miss my journey to Paris
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non sociopath skin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-27-10 02:42 PM
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2. I like newsthump, but watching people hereabouts struggling to keep things going ...
... in 'orrible weather the past couple of days, the joke rang a bit hollow.

The Skin
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