I've not seen or heard him say anything that I'd not expect at this point in a parliament from an opposition leader and that quote
Our message, too weighted to fear over hope, stopped the Tories getting a majority. But it was never enough for Labour to win. Because we did not own the future. is spot on, though I've no doubt about why some New Labour old guard missed the fucking point. Elections are usually lost by those in power and only very very rarely won by the opposition. Labour's best actions at this point are to wait as the TorLibans each fuck up in more and more spectacular ways and start to take advantage.
Labour cannot move too quickly to condemn what the government is currently doing since New Labour had similar policies, or would have followed similar policies if they had been re-elected. They need to distance themselves from the tainted New Labour brand which is, I suspect, where this shitty whispering campaign is coming from - New Labourites who are now no longer in favour with the party or the country as a whole but are just as willing as the Lib Dems to ditch anything resembling an ideal in order to regain the Power that they enjoyed so much and squandered so poorly.
The country doesn't need another centre-right party as I have seen suggested by someone today (
Ed Miliband needs to embrace Labour's lost Tories), it needs to re-engage with the millions of centre-left voters who either switched to the Lib Dems or just stopped voting altogether. And if the New Labour old guard stage a coup against Miliband to regain power to drag the party further to the right (again) then they've lost my vote (again) and can kiss goodbye to the millions of pissed off Lib Dems.