paid by the Council to bosses of the local airport. much mud has been slung in the blogospehere that it is difficult to work out what has gone on since as far as I can see both sides have been pretty free with their accusations.
I have,however noted two points from my brief investigation into the matter
First the notorious 'Nr Monkey' blog was on WordPress which is owned by Google not Twitter so it is not clear why the Council is fishing for Twitter details or how they are supposed to identify the original blogger as the use of the same user name on different sites proves nothing.
Second, the litigation appears to have been launched without the approval of the Full Council (at least not in a public session). I would have thought that on those grounds at least the behaviour of launching a court case in California must be open to question. The assertion by the Council on TV tonight that the proceedings have cost less than £75,000 is difficult to believe given that US law is certainly not cheaper than in the UK and poor old Giggsy apparently shelled out at least £50,000 on his duff Super Injunction. As they appear to have declined to open up their financial records for examination it is impossible to determine the truth of the matter. I find it strange that my local Parish Council has to post every item of expenditure on the Web for public scrutiny but larger Councils are under no such obligation.
Due to the joys of the open US justice system you can actually track the plaint history here