Seriously, I think this is a very good approach - you can make online applications so they have to make a decision, without pre-filling it for them. That way, the whiners that 'presumed consent' is against some right or other don't have a leg to stand on (heh, maybe they donated them :evilgrin:)
From the BBC article:
Example of bad-faith whiner:
And last night Tory MP Peter Bone described the measure as ‘Big State gone mad’.
‘I don’t remember this being discussed in Parliament and what they are saying is, “We’re going to stop you getting something you’re entitled to and ask you about something which is not relevant at all to what you’re applying for”.
‘They could extend this to when you apply for a passport or anything. It’s a back-door way of forcing people to decide whether they want to go into organ donation.
Read more: course, I knew that, to find someone objecting to a way of saving lives via government action, all I had to do was look in the Mail. :eyes: