Met to be asked to investigate Jade Goody phone-hacking claims
The Metropolitan police are to be asked to investigate allegations that reality TV star Jade Goody's phone was hacked while she was dying of cancer.
It is understood Charlotte Harris, the Mishcon de Reya lawyer representing several phone-hacking claimants, has been asked to represent her and to go to the Met with the allegations made by Goody's mother, Jackiey Budden.
Budden believes both her and her daughter's phones were hacked, but did nothing about it until July this year when she read about murder victim Milly Dowler's phone messages being intercepted by the News of the World. She could not understand how journalists were getting hold of information and, when she read the Dowler story, believed it could have been through phone-hacking. you may think of Jade Goody, nobody should have that short of conversation hacked. I don't think anyone will really be surprised by this, but it does remind us what a disgusting bunch of vampires and ghouls they are.