"The Tories’ team of men only development ministers will never be able to lead the way internationally in empowering women and girls in the developing world"
One, under Labour, there was only one female Secretary of State, Clare Short, who was never liked by Tony Blair. (Baroness Amos doesnt count to me, since she served for half a year only). If you look back to the ministerial team of Labour's DFID, praticially everyone was a male, except Sally Keeble and Baroness Vadera, who were junior ministers. Even then, none of the females ministers in DFID every made females a priority. So what is Harriet Harman saying? The last Labour Ministerial team was all men--Douglas Alexander, Gareth Thomas and Mike Foster--unless one of them did a sex change.
Two, the current DFID team has placed females as a forefront of its policy, working with UN Women and other agencies.
Must you have a female in every leadership position to have females as an issue? Did Thatcher place females as an important part of its policy?
I don't hate Harriet Harman. But I just don't understand her.