I confess that I have a weakness for the early Carry On films, that are cleverer and not as non-PC as the later ones (I am 54, so past caring how that revelation affects anyone's opinion of me). Anyway, to get to the point, Channel 4 is broadcasting "Carry on up the Khyber" this evening; and just before the dinner party scene in which the characters exchange small talk while the mortars fall around them, there is a scene where a chap says, "It looks pretty bad, sir, what are we going to do?" The Sid James character (the Governor?) replies, "Do? Nothing. We are British, we are going to do nothing. We are going to carry on as if nothing as happened."
Like, with posters plastered up all around depicting the four suspects, no one checks the passports of any passengers leaving Britain on EuroStar. The suspect continuing to use his mobile phone all the way to Rome was another lucky break for the investigation - and us.
I was a teenager in the 1960s, and I like the weedy Austin Powers films, too - "groovy baby" - isn't it dreadful!