In one speech, the MP said: "These poor Iraqis - ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs, with the lightest and most basic of weapons - are writing the names of their cities and towns in the stars, with 145 military operations every day, which has made the country ungovernable.
"We don't know who they are, we don't know their names, we never saw their faces, they don't put up photographs of their martyrs, we don't know the names of their leaders."
He told Syrian Television: "Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners - Jerusalem and Baghdad. The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help and the Arab world is silent. And some of them are collaborating with the rape of these two beautiful Arab daughters."'s unquestioning friendship with the Bush administration has undone years of quiet British diplomacy in the Middle East, and made the world more dangerous for Westerners (and others); and if Galloway recovers some of that ground by being nice to Arabs and rubbishing the US/Israel that is fine by me. The US and Israel are committing human rights abuses (not forgetting the outsourcing of torture); and Blair is doing absolutely nothing to distance the UK from their foreign policies. I don't believe that Galloway's poetic speech puts UK troops at greater risk.
And US troops are imperilled only by their government's military adventurism and hypocritical foreign policy (spreading liberation and democracy with billions of dollars of guns, tanks, chemical bombs, bullets and beatings).