The format is similar, and about a dozen names are in common between the two lists, which could mean either that the source is the same or that the release of this list was inspired by the 1999 one.
If the new list is accurate, then, it at least shows that having your name and job splashed across the internet is no bar to a continuing career in MI6!
According to cryptome, "
HM Diplomatic Service Overseas Reference List, August 2005, [...] lists most of these persons and shows that their 2005 positions and stations match those listed here".
On comparing this list with the 1999 one, the names in common, with a couple of exceptions, are listed by cryptome as confirmed in that location by the Overseas list. I'll not include the names here, but the locations are:
Beirut, Kabul, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Kuala Lumpur, New Delhi, Amman, Harare, Baghdad, Dubai, and Riyadh.
This seems to show a concentration in Al Qaeda / Muslim related trouble spots, but what that means, I've no idea.. Perhaps the list has red herrings to attract would-be terrorist plotters..?
(On edit: OTOH, I wonder if it could be related to this Telegraph story:
Israel protests at MI6 mission to halt Hamas suicide bombings (a puzzling title - you'd think they'd be pleased at halting bombings!) at is attempting to persuade Hamas to renounce violence and enter negotiations with Israel after last week's withdrawal of 9,000 settlers from the Gaza Strip. But the contacts between MI6 and Hamas have provoked fierce criticism from the Israeli government, which is opposed to British Intelligence dealing with an organisation that Israel has denounced as a terror group.
Israeli officials confirmed last week that a formal protest had been made to Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, who has overall responsibility for MI6.
"We have made our feelings about this known to Mr Straw in the strongest possible terms," said a senior official at Israel's foreign ministry.
"But although he gave us an assurance that the operation would be scaled down, it is still going on."
I suppose issuing an MI6 list would be a way of making their opinions felt!
As usual with spy stories, we can only speculate.