Americans are streaming out of the US like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Where do they go? Berlin, apparently, is a favorite destination. One well-known writer, whose name is often linked to Berlin, may have done his best work only after leaving it. ...
Bush haters and skyhigh-rent-weary Americans are crossing the Big Pond
in droves. Where are they going? Thousands, it seems, are settling in Berlin, a city that offers nightlife on par with New York, the cultural offerings one would expect of a world city and dirt cheap rent. The Los Angeles Times is already drawing comparisons to Paris in the 1920s and Prague after the Velvet Revolution. What the story doesn't note: Unlike Prague, expatriates in Berlin have actually gone on to great literary achievements. Among the alumni are Jeffrey Euginedes and Jonathan Franzen, who have both done stints in the city.
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