My perspective is one of an Ami expat with long political experience in the US and much less so in Europe -I'm still learning the ropes here and trying to make sense of German politics.
My impression of the far right here would not include the phrase "re-emergence". There seems to be a minor eb-and-flow of support that coincides with immigration and employment issues, but I don't see anything to be too alarmed about with the far right. Certainly I'd rather the NPD hadn't gotten any seats, but plenty of people are watching them closely. Having said that, I would apply that statement only to the far right, hard-core fascists here, and NPD.
Of a more moderate concern is the appeal of conservatives, and I agree, the camouflaged, apparently moderated appeal, the chipping away at democratic ideals.
My real concern, one that seems to be increasing daily, is the apparent courtship of the conservatives in Germany by the Bush-Republican right. Stoiber met with Schwarzenegger yesterday. Bush met with Merkel here in February.'m also investigating what I believe to be German front organizations for Bush neocons, likely funded from the US.
I don't think Europeans realize how truly dangerous (and let's face it, effective) the bush-bunch is. Even people on the left/far left who I have talked to in the past few months, people who detest bush, don't have a good picture of the political climate in the US and tend to focus on him personally. It's far too easy to dismiss him as an ill-mannered fool who'll be gone in a few years. The fascists and zealots behind him are the ones to worry about.
Let me save myself some time by quoting from a letter that I wrote to a friend/journalist last week,
"While most people are trying to parse the Bush syntax, those around him speak clearly about a vision of ‘democracy’ that is quite at odds with the one in Europe, a vision that might generally be likened to the one once found at the most liberal edge of the Democratic Party –and we know what happened to them. Europe cannot be tolerated as a successful counter-example to the claims that military action spreads democracy, that security comes from police and loss of civil liberties, that prosperity arises from unrestrained, predatory capitalism, or that only Christian zealotry can lead to a moral society. "
So, it's not just about Iraq or weapons sales to the Chinese.
Anyway, if it looks like I'm getting wound up for a longer GD forum thread, it's because I am.
By the way, how do the twins look this season?