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Americans - Have any of you applied for dual citizenship abroad

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smirkymonkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-18-05 08:44 PM
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Americans - Have any of you applied for dual citizenship abroad
Specifically, right of return for chidren and grandchildren of foriegn born citizens?

I think Italy, Ireland, Poland and maybe Australia allow this type of thing.

I know Italy does and I am trying to apply, but I would like to hear of some real life experiences. How long did it take? Are there any restrictions due to debt or employment status?

How many of you are Americans living in Europe w/ dual citizenship and how did you get it. Thanks!
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happynewyear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-18-05 08:49 PM
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1. for Ireland
You might do as they suggest on this link - contact the Irish Embassy in Washington, D.C. I believe things changed recently but I am not sure.

Good luck!


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tenshi816 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-24-05 06:53 AM
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2. Dual nationality - US/UK
OK, here's my real life experience: I'm looking into becoming a naturalized British citizen on the basis that I've been a UK resident since 1986 and have a British husband. The reason it has taken me so long so long to do it is that I will have to submit my American passport along with all the other documents required, and according to the Home Office it takes an average of 7 months to process naturalization applications - I'm uncomfortable at the thought of being without a passport for that long, especially since it means that I won't be able to leave the country for all that time.

I don't know of any restriction due to debt, but anyone looking to emigrate to the UK is supposed to have a means of support, at least in theory. I know people get around that requirement. I think it's possible to say you're starting a business, but I don't know for sure.

The other thing is the cost of applying for citizenship in the UK. The application fee will set me back £218 ($417.65 at today's exchange rate) and if for some reason my application is rejected, only £65 of my fee will be refunded to me. Considering how many applications they must turn down each year, that's a nice little earner for the government.

My two sons, aged 13 and 8, both have dual nationality. They both got their British passports before they were 3 months old, and in January this year finally got their American ones. I had always intended for them to get American passports but was in no real hurry because the rule used to be only that it needed to be done before they turned 18. Now, however, the rules have changed (hey, 9/11 changed everything, right?) - because of "security" issues, I was informed that my children would no longer be allowed to enter the United States using their British passports because to do so would be considered "entering under false pretences" since they have an American mother and are thus considered to be American citizens. So, as I said, in January we trekked down to the embassy in London and got their American passports.

Of course, if the draft is reinstated, I will see to it that they both renounce their American citizenship. The army will not take my boys from me.
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smirkymonkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-19-05 01:24 PM
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3. Anybody have experience with Italy?
Or know someone who does? Would love to hear about it. Thanks!
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