BERLIN - More than a million immigrants to Germany have become German citizens since the introduction of a new citizenship law in 2000.
According to data presented by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Marieluise Beck, around 800,000 immigrants have acquired German citizenship since the new law came into force on 1 January 2000. 200,000 children of foreign parents have received German citizenship at birth. Germany currently has an immigrant population of 6.7 million, making up around 6 percent of Germany's total population of 80 million.
The figures show that more people have received German citizenship in the last five years than in the 20 years before the reform. "This is an important contribution to legal integration as well as political participation in our democratic society," said Beck, speaking at the presentation of the brochure 'Wie werde ich Deutscher?' ('How do I become German?').
Similarly, Günther Beckstein, CSU interior minister in the state of Bavaria, told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag at the weekend that the CDU/CSU would conduct its forthcoming election campaign on an anti-immigration platform.