this morning with st. vincent on the horizon, baby goats baaah-ing their little hearts out. everything is so clear since we've moved here. of course it was clear back in amerika but painfully more so now. dh starts med school monday and we have 16 months to decide if we'll go back or not. i feel sane for the first time in my life. simple intelligent life that all makes sense. wish i could say the same for "home."
in conversations have been told how amerikans think they're so superior to everybody. i tell them they may think that but the reality is quite the opposite. our "culture" has sunk so low. most amerikans who don't see it already would be shocked to know how we're perceived.
anyway, take care of "home" you guys back in the states. wish i could say things look like they'll get better before worse there, but it sure doesn't look like it..............