Please, please, please do not vote for Angela Merkel! I'm watching the Schroeder/Merkel debate on C-span. I'm listening to Angela Merkel talk about the economy. What she's proposing is an American style economic plan. It's supply-side economics 101!
I don't know how bad your economy is but it couldn't be as bad as ours. In America we have a third whole country living INSIDE a first world country. Look at the pictures from New Orleans. Does that look like civilization to you?
Here's a picture of a starving dog eating a dead man. No! New Orleans USA!
That's what greedy, evil, lying, conservatives have done to the most powerful country on earth. We're a DIASTER ZONE! Do you know what our Congressional Christians are doing right now, While the bodies pile up in the streets of New Orleans? They're getting ready to give the rich ANOTHER TAX CUT! The "Paris Hilton Tax Relief Plan". Or the "Death Tax" as they call it. It's the DEATH TAX all right and we got pictures to prove it.
Did you know that the US Goverment just ordered 25,000 body bags to put Katrina victims in? The funny part is, we are sooooo broke that we have to borrow the money from the Communist Chinese, so we will have something to cover our dead in. That's right, the great capitialist miracle, has to borrow money from communists because they are the only ones one earth crazy enough, at this point, to give us a loan.
You got 5 million unemployed people? You have a 11% unemployment rate? Well guess what. We have more out-of-work people than you. OUR GOVERMENT DOESN'T COUNT OURS CORRECTLY! Be thankful you have a goverment, HONEST enough to give you the correct figures. If we have a goverment like that, GEORGE BUSH WOULDN'T BE OUR PRESIDENT!
I don't have all the answers to your problems. All I know is, Angela Merkel will DESTROY YOU!
We are suffering here. We are heartbroken looking at the pictures of our dead citizens. Our young are coming home in caskets that the press are NOT allowed to photograph. Our citizens are laying dead in the streets and the press isn't allowed to photograph them EITHER!
No matter how much you hate Schroeder, get down on your hands and kness and thank God he kept you out of "The HOLY WAR in the Middle East". We can't even get out of this terrible mess for years. We're stuck in a "Quagmire of HOLY HELL".
The American Christian MULLAHS have delibertly voted for the destruction of the most powerful country on earth. They have succeeded in their "mission". We are destroyed.
Vote for Angela Merkel and in 15 years you will look exactly like us. EXACTLY!
I BEG you not to make this mistake. We need you. The whole world needs you ESPECIALLY NOW!
From the Dark Ages in the USA!