And hey have American contacts who volunteer to answer questions US residents have about getting into the country they want to. Finally, their articles often recommend you rent property for some months to get a feel for the country and NOT buy immediately. For example, in NZ there is no MLS. They also often sell houses by auction - usually works out better for seller. Each real-estate agency will only show you their listings, so if a house for sale across the st from one you are looking at is listed by another agency, you'll need to contact them to look at it. I've found a wealth of info - and not just for the wealthy, cuz that's not me. If you have a better site, please share. By no means am I saying this is the best, just the one I've looked at the most. Countries like NZ are VERY hard to immigrate to, but by contrast extodinarily EASY to buy real estate and set up a business in. You can close on property in 48 hours, and the title process, etc costs under $1000 NZ.