Hello to all -- I finally got the approval from both the woman mentioned in the OP and the editor of Online Journal to go ahead with the story. Actually "stories," since there were so many responses -- particularly from Canadians, but Australia came in strong as well -- so I'll be doing a series of at least three articles. Unfortunately, Europe (or Yurp, as our strutting little dull-normal fuhrer likes to call it) and Asia are very underrepresented, as is the UK specifically.
If you're at all interested in participating, please take the time to respond to the OP. It's pretty simple:
Country, age (optional), gender, does your country have a single-payer system, if not what kind of system, what would it cost you in terms of hassle and money to have a blood test done (see scenario in OP), and how is health care paid for in your country?
Thanks a lot to all of you for taking the time to tell your stories. I'd sure like to get more, though. If you happen to have friends who can comment on this issue but aren't members of DU, I'd love to hear what they have to say. They can just email me at...
Anyway, I hope to get the first article done in time for publication this Friday. This one will feature Canadians and their individual stories. You might check here...
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/index.shtml... to see if it's out yet. If it's not, it's most likely slated for Friday, 8/10.
Thanks again,