Interest rates are on the way up, only six days out from a federal budget widely expected to include further personal tax cuts and generous spending in a number of areas, including child care and education.
Although those measures might fuel inflation fears and, in turn, put further pressure on interest rates, Prime Minister John Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello maintained that the economy remained in strong shape.
The Reserve Bank announced yesterday that it had lifted official interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point to 5.75 per cent. Australia's banks are expected to pass on the rise in full, lifting standard variable home-loan interest rates above 7.5 per cent.
The monthly repayment on a typical home loan ($300,000 over 25 years) will go up by almost $50. was it that little Johnny Howard was telling everyone during the election campaign about how interest rates would go up if they voted Labor? I guess this rate rise added to the soaring price of petrol is going to force a few folk who believed that crap and voted Liberal out of their homes. I hate to be callous, but for them my Care Factor is set at zero...