Edited on Fri May-26-06 09:42 AM by Violet_Crumble
And you know why? If yr sitting there deciding you can breach the APS Code of Conduct when you think the public would be better off knowing something, one of yr colleagues with different ideas on what you think the public would be better off knowing would have just as much right to go to the media on things they, not you, think the public needs to know, who more often than not end up getting half the facts wrong anyway. So which of you would be right? What makes either of you the final arbiter of what the public needs to know? And what happens if the public 'need to know' is in conflict with the public interest of keeping individual's information private, eg taxpayers records?
You've seen first hand how whistleblowing is handled in the APS? The processes for handling it is the same in every Commonwealth department, and that includes it being designed so the whistleblower can take their complaint outside of the department to the APSC. And at least in the department I'm in, the system works more often than not. There's way more protection for whistleblowers in the public service than there are for those in the private sector. But as I pointed out, there's a huge difference between whistleblowing, which is exposing corruption, and what that person at the airport did if they were an APS employee...
When it comes to 'bugger the rules', as Matilda put it, there are of course the extreme scenarios where I think just about everyone would figure that nothing is worth staying silent, and one of those scenarios would be where staying silent would cost someone's life. I don't know if they do it now for the top level security clearances, but years back when I got one for another department, in the interview I was given a scenario along those lines and asked how I'd react. I said I'd make it public, and I think they were looking for whether or not someone would give them an honest answer, coz I got that clearance....
Hey, we've got something in common here. I'm in a comms team as well. What are you like at developing comms strategies? I'm applying for a comms job in another area and I've got to pump up my skills on paper to make it sound like the little ones I've done are bigger than ben hur productions :)