In an interview last night on Lateline with Tony Jones, Keating heaped scorn on the Rudd/Gillard
team and their IR policy. It was vintage Keating, and a reminder of why he lost in 1996 - it was
all about him, and how wonderfully he and Hawke had grounded the economy so it could withstand
all the subsequent shocks of inflation/deflation, etc.
That much is true, I believe, but he went on to say in effect that unless Rudd and Gillard took a
leaf out of his book, they were doomed to failure. In his eyes, they were not selling the policy
the way they should, and would go down like Beazley before them. I watched in increasing dismay as
he heaped scorn on all their principal advisers, and I could imagine Howard and Costello rubbing
their hands with glee.
At his best, Keating was clever, sharp, and witty, but in the end, his ego became too big and he lost
sight of the little people he claimed to represent. He came across last night, sadly, as an old man
who still doesn't understand what happened in '96. No wonder the current leadership has distanced
themselves from him - he has nothing to offer, nothing at all.
I hope last night's interview doesn't mark the point at which the election turned in favour of the
Coalition, but I have an awful feeling that it might.
A link to the ABC Lateline page: