Howard was an ally of the Imperial Bush Family (and therefore an enemy of the American People), but the very fact that he was defeated by actual honest-to-God progressives (as opposed to most of what passes for the Democratic Leadership these days) but he ruled a Free Nation (well, freer than Amerika undoubtedly).
Now that this has happened, watch for BushPutinists to begin establishing their form of government down under.
Signs to watch for:
Privatizing voting, no more inspections for machines except by the BushPutinists who built them.
Gleitschaltung ("bringing into line") of the media by bullying and intimidation (not the violent kind though).
A continual assault on Reality and the infrastructure which disseminates information (soon to be disinformatoion and half-truths) to the Australian People.
Packing the judiciary with criminals in robes.
Much, much more.Now, I don't know enough about Australia to judge whether these things will be effective. Bushies, at least in their takeover over Old America, have been very patient. The relative slowness of their movement towards Total Bushie Tyranny gives "plausible deniability" to the whole operation.
Let me warn you Aussies: You will doubt yourselves at every moment because the Sciene of Lying and Preopaganda is so fine-tuned now, that even as you enter Middle-Phase Transition to BushPutinism, with ourbreaks of naked evil and cruelty now becoming noticeable, 99% of your population will still be in denial.
An example of the New BushPutinist Amerika: see, the Imperial Subjects of Amerika alre all ready to be Nazi followers, all they need now is the tiniest permission from authority to do so. Plus, these types of revealing incidents are skyrocketing lately. Geez, I wonder why?
But once your Bushies realize they can't with with votes based on their ideas, then they will do what our Bushies have done, seize control by other means.
Just a friendly warning to our friends down under. Beware the Aussie Bushies ebcause the Amerikan Bushies have provided them a blueprint to feed a Free Nation a Shit Sandwich of Tyranny and be praised as deliverers of the Delicious Chocolate Ration.