Considering I think Neighbours is just that little bit more cerebral than Today Tonight, I'm not shocked that they started a sensationalistic campaign that resulted in the ban for Australians, but my 13yr old Neopets fan is ropeable tonight, so I promised her I'd spread the word. Me, I was amused that the woman who took it upon herself to lie about the games on the website is a serial Today Tonight whiner who appeared on September 1 whining about sugar-levels in fruit juices and the marketing techniques of companies. The story from Today Tonight seems to be describing an online gambling site, and not the site I checked out before I allowed my kidlet to hang out there...A McDonalds toy giveaway linked to a website that features gambling games has outraged parents, an anti-pokie campaigner and a psychologist.
For decades McDonalds has sold soft drinks, burgers and fries. Now the fast food chain stands accused of adding gambling to its menu.
McDonalds is running a cross-promotion with the makers of Neopets, the latest American soft-toy craze. A free Neopet is offered with every Happy Meal.
But the Neopets website advertised on McDonald's packaging and website has left parents such as
Michelle Stiebel far from happy. here's Michelle from last month whining about something else...Many parents mistakenly believe that all fruit juices are a healthy option for their children. But dieticians warn that some have as much sugar as soft drinks.
Toddlers such as Ella Stiebel and her mum Michelle are a marketer's dream. These tiny consumers help fuel a fruit juice industry worth $1 billion per year.
"The supermarket shelves are very colourful, use a lot of marketing," Michelle said. "The Shreks, the different characters - and they work on my children." guess I should be grateful this twit didn't manage to get fruit juices pulled off the shelves...