Hello Australia:hi:
My friend was at the usual Saturday protest in New Hampshire today, when Meg told him that a friend from Australia sent her an email stating that he/she saw Meg's photo on the internet. She was very happy about it....I'm wondering if someone saw the link that I posted regarding the demonstration in NH. We (many of us who attended) are preparing to send the DU link to the paper....regarding the sentinel's lack of reporting the news.
We are only sending the link to the news department with comments...not LTTE, etc.
I don't know if her friend is a DUer, or just stated that he/she saw her photo.
It would be very cool if Meg's friend is a DUer.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x7977058I met Meg for the first time last week...a beautiful lady.