I watched on my computer screen this morning as the Carbon Emissions legislation was passed through the Lower House.As expected, there were shouts from the public gallery as the bill passed its third reading, and at least two conservative MPs were warned by the Speaker.
During Question Time this afternoon, although the legislation is now a done deal, loud shouting erupted once more from the gallery, and about 80 people were ejected on the orders of the Speaker. The important point to note here is that during Question Time, the public can only enter the gallery if they are signed in by MPs. That means that members of the Coalition had to have signed in people who they knew would shout and interject throughout QT. To my mind, this is an abuse of their privileges as members of the parliament - this is a democracy, and the majority rules, okay? But now, according to the Opposition, the Australian people have been betrayed and democracy is dead - excuse me? This is an insult to people suffering under truly tyrannical regimes where democracy is not just dead, it has never been alive. Ask the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Bahrainis, the Syrians - they can truly talk about lack of democracy.
Following one of the right-wing tweets during Question Time, I read a few comments from some of these mindless gits - funny how they seem to all be singing from the Tea Party songbook - they alone are the patriots, they alone care for their country, they alone have all the answers and right on their side. I wonder then how come they are so lacking in grey matter that they can only ape the slogans of Alan Jones, Tony Abbott and the American right wingnuts? Not a single functional brain or an original thought among the lot of them.
There is only one consoling thought about the prospect of this Coalition coming to power at the next election – they are so brain-dead and so devoid of coherent policy they will implode during their first term. But at what price to Australia?