On the contrary, Latham had it dead set to rights.
Only his problem was he was too green and genuine in his beliefs, whereas 95% opf the rest of the party had comprimised themselves long before he ever turned up, thus his efforts to revolutionise things were already DEAD in the water before they even began.
It's about time the good citizens of Australia woke up to the fact that ever since the COUPE given to us courtesy of the CIA, wherein Whitlam was sacked,the only party that had the gumption of taking on the NWO was Pauline Hanson, who also was very green and naive, thinking she'd gain the suport of the Australian people, yet all she got for her trouble was a gaol sentence. However, she did set the cat amongst the pigeons, and for the first time since WW 2 the parties in our Parliament worked togethet, not for the benfit of our country, but for their OWN BENEFIT to maintain tha status quo, so's they could retire with their Golden handshake at the taxpayer's expense.
There's not ONE Poly in Parliament today, who would stand up and make a stand against their masters in Washington, all they wish to do, is keep the seat warm until they retire, after that, they couldn't give a stuff.
Think I'm kiddin ???? Ask yourself this question :
How could polititions coming into Parliament on MP salary, retire millionares ?????????????????????? Think about it, you can access the salaries of all MP's at the relevant govt websites, it doesn't compute. So, where did the money come from ?????? Could it be favours owed ? Or pay offs for being good guys and following orders ??????????? What's the bet, our esteemed leader who was an accountant in civvy life, retires a millionare ????? Any takers ???