JOHN Howard was imposing a "nasty, right-wing" plan to Americanise the workplace, Kim Beazley declared yesterday, as he promised to "dismantle" the Government's industrial package. In his strongest condemnation of the workplace revolution, a fired-up Opposition Leader blasted the Prime Minister for his "ideological version" of Australia.
Mr Howard, he said, was determined to "tear this country apart - to set family against family and friend against friend". A rowdy debate saw another raft of Labor MPs ejected from parliament, with the Opposition launching a concerted attack against Mr Howard during question time.
Senior Labor figures believe the Government will have great difficulty selling its changes to the public. Mr Beazley, struggling to improve his approval rating, is using the industrial relations changes to mount perhaps his strongest attack against his political nemesis. "It's not an academic debate about labour market institutions and productivity growth," he said. "This is about basic values ... it's about the kind of Australia we want our kids to grow up in."
He likened the draft laws to a nest of termites, that will "in the months and years ahead ... slowly eat away at the foundations of living standards of Australian families". "Today, one man's tired old dream becomes a living nightmare for all Australians.",5744,17134510%255E601,00.html