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To Make Recount Count, Blackwell Must Start It Immediately

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cguttman Donating Member (74 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 12:15 AM
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To Make Recount Count, Blackwell Must Start It Immediately
Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 01:00 AM by cguttman
Below this post, I have another one that asks that you contact Kerry right away to file suit to start Recount Right Away. Unless recount is done right away we won't have enough time to do a full manual recount (which is estimated to take 10 days) before the deadlines--Dec. 7th when Ohio's electors to choose a president are chosen and Dec. 13th when all the electors choose a president.

You should also contact Ohio Secretary of State Blackwell who is trying to drag his feet delaying the recount. There is now a "critial mass" effort to call him Thurs., Fri, and Sat to say "Start The Recount Immediately!"

It also seems that Blackwell should be encouraged to not recognize the deadline on the 7th (also known as "safe harbor day") since there doesn't seem to be enough time (other states have ignored it). You can also ask him to recuse himself from the recount and counting of the provisionals because he is partisan. Blackwell has responded to pressure before. For a sample letter and more info go to (If that doesn't work go to and scroll down).

J. Kenneth Blackwell
Ohio Secretary of State
180 E. Broad St. 16th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


General Telephone Number (Toll Free): 1-877-767-6446
General Telephone Number (Local): 1-614- 466-2655

J. Kenneth Blackwell
Ohio Secretary of State
180 E. Broad St. 16th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215


keep checking for more updated actions

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Timebound Donating Member (454 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 12:18 AM
Response to Original message
1. Well...
I'll take a partially-active Kerry over no Kerry anyday.

I STILL think he's trying to fool the Repugs into thinking he's sure the election is over. I remember someone else posting an explanation for Kerry's concession:

*phone rings*

Kerry: Hello, this is John Kerry.

Voice: Conceede immediately if you want your children to live.

Kerry: Who is this?

*line goes dead*, I'm not kidding.
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berniew1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 12:34 AM
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2. Strong indications of irregularities or fraud in several Ohio counties
Strong indications of major electronic glitches or fraud in Ohio in several counties

In analyzing the still-unofficial results, the totals reveal that C. Ellen Connally, an African-American Democratic candidate from Cleveland running for Ohio Chief Justice, received more than votes than Kerry in many counties. For example in Butler County, Connally received 5347 more votes than Kerry. The list of the counties where Connally actually outpolled Kerry include Auglaize, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Darke, Highland, Mercer, Miami, Putnam, Shelby, Van Wert, and Warren.

The reason the Kerry vote counts are suspect is because Connelly, a retired African-American judge, was vastly outspent in her race, and did not have the visibility of the presidential race. Thus for a more obscure Democratic candidate, farther down on the ticket, to get many more votes statewide than Kerry, suggests something happened to suggest there may have been a transfer of Kerry votes to Bush. ""Statistically, Kerry, as the Democratic presidential candidate, should have more votes than Connally. In a presidential election, most voters have the priority of casting a vote for president and the votes for president are almost always much higher than those of candidates farther down the ticket. As of election night, 5,481,804 votes were counted for Bush and Kerry. 4,327,270 votes were counted for Moyer and Connally.

""This looks like a computer glitch or a computer fix,"" said Bob Fitrakis, a lawyer, political scientist and Editor of the Columbus Free Press ( who has written about election irregularities since Bush was declared the winner. Fitrakis is among the team of lawyers who announced they would soon file an election challenge in the state’s Supreme Court.

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