According to Lexis Joe McGinnis was the Marketing Representative for ES&S
ex-ES&S Joe McGinnis violated Election Protocol on 10/16 is also a Robb McGinnis: 15, 2004
Johnson County Demands Answers From ES&S
"..ES&S had installed illegal software in touch-screen voting machines used
by three Indiana counties last November...
...Compliance also means a test next week of software illegally used in the
November election. “Well run some votes, print some results. Well verify
that everythings correct,” said Robb McGinnis, ES&S.
All commercial programs have provisions to be encrypted so as to
protect them from having their contents read or changed by anyone not
having the key..The line that staggered the Hopkins team was that the
method used to encrypt the Diebold machines was a method called
Digital Encryption Standard (DES), a code that was broken in 1997 and
is NO LONGER USED by anyone to secure prograns.F2654hd4 was the key to
the encryption. Moreover, because the KEY was IN the source code, all
Diebold machines would respond to the same key. Unlock one, you have
then ALL unlocked.