My Site - has created a film (DVD) about electronic voting called "Electile Dysfunction" - now a Premium at and we would be honored if folks looked at our Press Releases there and maybe buy our film (DVD)
You'll find all the information about our work and the film at that web address.
If you are concerned about's Bev Harris - her lack of hard data, evidence and/or frat stunts that may threaten the credibility of the entire electronic voting investigation movement of which we are a part then feel free to buy our movie - over a year in the making.
We won't withhold footage from you, plenty of links about the Movie at Buzzflash.
A Little Bit about US: received 100 million hits in it's first year, and we were one of 14 Finalists out of over 1600 entries in's "Bush in 30 Seconds" contest not long ago.
Our entry - ARMY OF ONE (a non partisan look at Bush's treatment of the troops and veterans) was not the winner but was shown the very next night nationwide when I was interviewed on the Joe Scarborough show on MSNBC. (My second time on his show - I have been on the O'Reilly show, and Lou Dobbs on CNN as well)
Joe Scarborough loved our ad supporting the troops and was very cordial (I was shocked). The very same ad was shown 3000 times on cable television in New Hampshire during the primaries as well.
You can view my interview with him on MSNBC(which includes our MoveOn entry) at this URL: (It's a Realmedia file and will play even if it appears to give an error as RealMedia is a wonky program - keep clicking)
I've created many NEW "monty pythonish" animations to add to a solid mix of the incredible and the very credible as electronic voting is a really dry subject and we feel it's important to entertain while educating.
Here is a link to one of the more zany works included: and with more info on the DVD.
The people we interviewed include: Theresa LePore, and her sidekick, Karen
Jerome Gray, Alabama Democratic Conference
Reverand Tommy Waites
Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman (The template for voter theft was created here - 6500 voted REVERSED in the dark of night, with poll workers, media, etc Barred from the courthouse)
Congressman Robert Wexler, Florida
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Georgia
Senator Barbara Boxer
Kevin Shelley, California Secretary of State
Larry Flynt
Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist, BBC and UK Guardian
William Rivers Pitt, and Book Author
Lida Rodriguez-Taseff, Chair, Miami-Dade Election Reform Coalition
Courtenay Strickland, ACLU Florida, Voting Rights Project Director
Jim Hightower
Dr. Aviel Rubin, Johns Hopkins University, Technical Director, Information Security Institute
Dr. David Dill, Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Adam Putnam, Congressman (FL)
Jim Adler, CEO, Vote Here Inc.
Danny Schechter,
Don Waller, Take Back The Media
Ian Williams, The Nation Magazine
Owner and Publisher, The Nation Magazine
Janeane Garofalo, Air America Radio, Actress, Comedienne
Congressman Clay,as well as other electronic voting professionals, academics, journalists, and just plain folks.
But our film covers more than just electronic voting.
We also discuss the problem with voting rights in America, like the inherent racism in the distribution of voting machines.
We also show the live harassment of voters, trickery, the Media changing exit poll information on the fly, etc - all documented and vetted.
No tin foil, only friendly stunts.
Our film ends with a call to action and we invite everyone to join us in petitioning our representatives in Washington for a Constitutional Amendment enforcing a Federal Right to vote, and have votes counted - much like Jesse Jackson mentioned on one of Keith Olbermann's recent shows.
Please have a look, and help support us - we're just trying to get the word out, help Buzzflash, and make some of our money back.
I'm pretty sure you won't be disapointed with out work, the animations alone make it kick, they are a lot of fun.. or so I've been told. :)
I want to thank each and every one of you for all the inspiration you've been to me - when I went on TV you were all there with advice - you've all been at the forefront of every true progressive advance and you should be proud of yourselves.
All the best,