"The People are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty" -JeffersonLook around. Look at each other. Every person here taking a stand is a hero. Every single one of you doing research, writing letters, planning and participating in protests, making phones calls, hanging signs, handing out flyers and engaging your family, friends and co-workers in discussion about this -- you are the heros.
The old cliche - never put all your eggs in one basket - is particular useful right now.
Keith Olbermann is someone we should acknowledge. He's been covering the fraud and irregularities steadily since November 8th. We don't want to lose that momentum. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep writing to him with questions, concerns and information. It doesn't mean he is a savior that rises above us all... he is a concerned citizen, just like you or me.
Bev Harris is someone we should acknowledge. She's put a great deal of time and effort into exposing black box voting and election fraud. We don't want to lose that momentum. That doesn't mean we shouldn't stay on top of her efforts and write to her if we think she's making some mistakes or making some strides. It doesn't mean she's the election fraud god that we should bow to... she is a concerned citizen, just like you or me.
John Kerry was our candidate. At times we've felt he's abandoned us. At other times there's been glimpses of hope he's working behind the scenes. But all is not lost if Kerry never takes a stand. All is not won if he hits the scene with vim and vigor.
It is up to all of us. It is up to the American People to protect it's democracy. It is up to every red, white and blue patriot to say "enough is enough, this is NOT okay!" We must gather in the streets, we must knock on doors, we must continue to write letters and hang signs, we must exhaust our little printers in running off fraud flyers, and we must continue to BELIEVE that this is the right thing to do.
This is a cause worth fighting for. For us. For our children.
And everyday we log in, every day we engage in discussion, every day we get along or we argue, we must look at each other and remember, to follow the herd is the easy way out. Going against the grain is hard. Barking when others expect you to be Baahing takes courage.
We must pull together and listen to one another. We should be open-minded to change our path as necessary. Our ears should remain open to the criticisms and if adjustments needs to be made, we should make them. That is what being a liberal is all about:
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
There are many leaders among us, not just one or two.
Whether you write a letter to right a wrong, or start your own organization to organize change, we are all working to strengthen the cause.
The heros of democracy are the people who fight to protect it. For that, you are all heros.
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