I, personally, know this poster. He was the single most tireless and productive volunteer we had at the Maury County Democratic Party. He, personally, registered over 1000 voters by standing in front of Wal-Mart and Grocery stores. I vouch for his honesty and devotion. I have tried to reach him by phone, but only got his answering machine so far. I am no freeper. I am posting this only to add to the dialogue here the experience of someone I both know and trust. You're right sometimes it seems we are part of a circular firing squad. And I also know that I'm gonna get a lot of hits for posting this here. But, The post is public already on BBV. and I do know this poster and have no reason to question his account. Bev, What the hell is going on? Wiley
Printer-friendly copy Email this topic to a friend Conferences News Alerts USA Today Topic #172 Reading Topic #172, reply 24 Bernie Crew Dec-02-04, 08:23 AM (PST) 24. "RE: Have you all seen this??" In response to message #22 I would strongly encourage everyone to call the number listed above.It will be quite the informative experience, if you have the same misfortune I just had. I actually got Bev (!!) on the phone when I called, as well as her "media director" whose name I did not catch. And I learned more in my very frustrating three minutes of trying to get in a word edgewise (without success) with the two of them than I have learned in the past three weeks about why blackboxvoting.org seems so disorganized and so obsessed with navel gazing (and righteous indignation) at this moment. I was disgusted by my conversation with the two of them and more than a little put off.
I had simply called to ask that Bev and BBV take advantage of the opportunity that Keith Olbermann appears to have offered (and, at least according to him, offered and offered) for her to go on national television and share with a much larger audience what she/BBV have uncovered in Florida. That was the only reason I had called (and I had expected to just get an answering machine to leave that short message.) Instead, I got Bev and got to listen to her go on (and on and on and on...) about how Keith Olbermann owed her an apology, about how Countdown had never invited her to be on the program (say what?), about how what Keith had posted was libelous -- I mean, I thought I was a ranter, but there on the phone, I was briefly in the presence of a master!
I tried (unsuccessfully) several times to calm Bev down and to say that I would hope she would take advantage of the opportunity that Keith was offering -- to use the forum he was providing, regardless of how many times Countdown had offered (or not offered) her this chance before -- to stay focused on the big picture. And despite Bev's obviously healthy ego (or ass -- I'm not sure which she was showing me on the phone), the big picture at this moment is overturning this fraudulent election and being able to work together to do that. She must take every opportunity that is provided to expose what we know and how we know it -- for all the world to see.
But try as I might (and as an 8th generation Mississippean, I do have some phone manners, though Bev and her "media director" demonstrated they do not), I was unsuccessful in getting the two of them to just take a breath. They interrupted me repeatedly, despite my asking both of them (several times) to just let me finish one sentence before they interrupted again. They NEVER seemed to acknowledge my central (indeed, my only) point: that if you have a chance to appear on national television to present your "facts" on the election theft in Florida, please don't blow it by a name-calling bout with Keith. But sadly, I never got that chance -- the two of them simply wanted to shout me down. So I finally hung up, in complete disgust.
If either Bev or her "media director" have any common sense, any real skill in using the media and any real sense of patriotism at this moment, they will get any self-righteous hostility against Keith's latest blog entry out of the way BEFORE they go on camera. The story we are all following isn't about Bev/BBV -- it is about an election that was stolen, a democratic process that has been highjacked and a need to work together to do something about it.
Fortunately, at least from my perspective, the evidence that Bev/BBV has uncovered in Florida is not the only evidence of election theft that we have to work with -- we're literally drowning in it everywhere. (And we had more than our own share of voter harassment, voter registration suppression, personal threats on our safety and vandalism by the Republi-Nazis here in Tennessee also, despite apparently being a "red" state; so we also know what we are dealing with from our own, equally hardworking experience). Because if what Bev/BBV have uncovered was all we had to work with at this moment, I would feel very frustrated by the apparent absence of any communication skills (or sense of propriety or media savvy or even common courtesy) displayed by the "messengers" just now to me on the phone. And I would be even more fearful for the future of our democracy than I already am.
So this is likely to be my first and last post to this web-site. If Bev/BBV act with Keith and/or Countdown staff the way they acted with me this morning on the phone, the only cause they will aid is the one we are fighting against (all of us -- not just the two rude drama queens I had the misfortune of being yelled at by this morning). If Bev can deflate her obviously engorged ego for long enough to see what an opportunity Keith is presenting her and can realize (hopefully through the advice of some other more skilled, media-savvy person than the one who yelled at me this morning, someone that Bev might actually be willing to listen to), she will understand that any opportunity she gets to be on Countdown or any other national news program should be focused on the message (of election theft) and not the messenger (her). If she can do that, then she will re-earn my respect.
Right now, even though I was certainly a fan (of both her and of Keith) before I called this morning, I am not a fan of Bev now. I want reasoned, skilled and selfless leaders to get out front and overcome this coup -- and I didn't hear one this morning. Hopefully, when and if Bev gets her time on Countdown, I will hear only measured, weighty and well-presented information that will help put Bush and his handlers in prison. But if she repeats the same temper tantrum she showed me this morning, the only thing all of us will hear is Karl Rove and rest of the neo-con-derthal cartel laughing out loud -- at Bev, at Keith (for his stupidity in giving her a national forum) and at all the rest of us who are working to save this county. Peace, out.
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