If anyone can answer these questions BBV is cool with me.
I have posted these question in several of the "BEV Threads" and received only ONE partial reply from MustBeFree. (thanks MBF)
1. Where is the data from the 3000+ FIOA requests. The Largest FIOA request in the Nation's History!
Any of it please, posted online for analysis.
2. Where are the famous Dumpster Diving Poll Tapes? Or Video
One picture please! One captured still from video.
3. How much money has been donated to BBV.org so far since Nov 2 2004? How much has come from DU members ?
Ball park.
4. Who is BBV.org?
Andy, Bev, Kathleen and who else.
5. What, if any, financial interest does Bev or any other BBV official have in the upcoming Votergate movie being made about this Election?
Assuming Bev is using donations to BBV.org to fund her adventures I think a stake, if any, in a movie featuring those adventures should be disclosed.
6. How does Andy know Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland well enough that he was contacted by him from jail AFTER his latest arrest.
> God_bush_n_cheney (1000+ posts) Fri Oct-22-04 06:22 PM
> Response to Reply #32
> 34. No he called me from jail
> after the arrest. Wanted me to contact some others he trusts.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x924780#926099More about Vreeland from the following article from The Toronto Star, Canada's biggest newspaper. Either Vreeland is CIA, NSA or a CON MAN...... so How does he know Andy from BBV.
Fugitive nabbed after 2 years on run
Man claims to have foreseen 9/11
Has more than 22 aliases, police say
http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1098568216092&call_pageid=968332188854&col=968705899037&DPL=JvsODSH7Aw0u%2bwoRO%2bYKDSblFxAk%2bwoVO%2bYODSbhFxAg%2bwkRO%2bUPDSXiFxMh%2bwkZO%2bUCDSTmFxIk%2bw8RO%2bMKDSPkFxUj%2bw8UO%2bMNDSPgFxUv%2bw8YO%2bILDSLkFxQh1w%3d%3d&tacodalogin=yesMICHELLE SHEPHARD
He disappeared from a ransacked Toronto apartment two years ago after claiming he was an undercover American naval officer who predicted the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. But that was just the latest twist in the bizarre story of Delmart Vreeland — a tale that goes back 10 years and winds its way through the United States and Canada.
Vreeland's whereabouts, however, are no longer a mystery. Officers with an Iowa sheriff's department surrounded his car Wednesday as he was driving an Interstate highway from Denver to Minneapolis. The use of a flagged Shell gas card alerted Franklin County authorities, Chief Deputy Ken Lubkeman said in an interview.
Vreeland's story played out for two years like a Hollywood script, and included the requisite dramatic court scene, when a judge allowed Vreeland to call the Pentagon in open court and an officer confirmed that Lieut. D. Vreeland was listed in its phone directory. Vreeland also claimed he knew that Canadian Embassy employee Marc Bastien was murdered before the official cause of death in 2000 was released, which stated Bastien had been poisoned. Vreeland told his Toronto lawyers, Rocco Galati and Paul Slansky, that he had had death threats. Vreeland has maintained for years that he is the victim of a conspiracy of government officials attempting to keep him quiet; but putting together pieces of his past has been difficult. Reached yesterday, Galati said he believes Vreeland is still working as an American agent.
Read the entire first link. Andy warns of a possible nuke attack before the election.... a very interesting read.
This connection NEEDS to be explained before I can fully support Anything Bev or BBV do again. At the very least behavior like Andy displayed in the above thread is unbecoming of the BBV movement and Bev should reign in her staff.
I have respected the work and posts by the BBV people for a long time here on DU. Recently I have seen BBV say and do things that have shaken my confidence in them.
The Dumpster Diving Story made me cringe.
The sensational story lines and cliff hanger endings of her posts and reports made me dubious.
The stunt Andy pulled to get on Randi's show sent up red flags.
The latest grand standing has just about done it for me.
Thank you for listening.