Columbus 58F: Kerry +110 Bush +100
Gahanna 1B: Bush -3893
Marble Cliff: Kerry -4 Bush +4
Absentee 1: Kerry +1658 Bush +1268 Absentee 2: Kerry +1466 Bush +1153 Absentee 3: Kerry +6993 Bush +4428
That's it for changes, as regards Kerry and Bush totals. I.e., they have obfuscated the distribution of the provisional ballots by lumping them all into "Absentee 3." (There was no Absentee 3 in the unofficial results.)
It would have been interesting to see the precincts where the provisionals were concentrated, but I guess we will never know.
Bottom line for pres: Kerry 54.25%, Bush 45.04%, margin 9.21%
That alone is a testament to the Democratic GOTV effort. Gore won Franklin County in 2000 by less than 1%.
If Absentee 3 is indeed the provisional ballots, then Kerry got 67.8% of the provisionals that were accepted. So I guess we know in broad strokes who was made to fill out a provisional ballot.