the already overwhelming case that Kerry won, and Bush Inc. stole it right away from him, AND from US, with several kinds of election fraud, but with the main fraud (and the basis of it all) occurring in the Republican-privately-owned and controlled central vote tabulation machine source code.
The reports referenced below corroborate a working hypothesis as follows:
1. They tweaked a couple of the '"red" states that were threatening to turn "blue" at the time of the election, to keep Bush competitive in the Electoral Vote (wherever detection had been minimized, f.i., in no paper trail precincts);
2. They stole %'s here and there, all over the map, to manufacture and to pad Bush's popular vote, likely even in big Kerry states where a few anomalous votes for Bush might not be noticed (and in big Kerry counties, as the Berkeley studied shows!--see below);
3. The goal: to make it SEEM like it all comes down to OH (or FLA) where lots of prep had been done in vote suppression, to keep it close, and where Republican election officials are in charge to control situations like the "provisional" ballots in OH--whereas the main portion of the fraud occurred way back upstream; and
4. (Unknown by observers on Nov.2) Sometime between 4pm and 6 pm, the TV networks began polluting the Exit Poll data showing a big Kerry win with the Republican-controlled electronic "results," hiding the big Kerry numbers in the Exit Polls and making it appear that Bush was winning BOTH in the Exit Polls and in the electronic "results." (Note: This is why there was no Ukaine-like reaction from Kerry voters in the U.S. The networks here did NOT disclose that they were mixing the data, so Kerry voters DIDN'T KNOW what the Exit Polls were saying.)
When you put all the data analysis together with other facts (the OH and FLA intense vote suppression against Dems, blacks and the poor, and the prime conditions for fraud--hackability of the electronic voting systems, Republican partisans owning the vote tabulation source code and holding it in secret, etc.), the above hypothesis is well-supported.
This Newsweek report that Bush gained votes in cities and lost them in rural areas is yet another red arrow pointing to entirely skewed results. Much more likely--given all the other evidence: Bush lost big in the cities, and ALSO lost some in rural areas.
The evidence so far:
(Expert reports on the impossibility of the Bush numbers in the Republican-controlled electronic vote tabulation vs. the Exit Polls which showed bigger Kerry numbers or a Kerry win in 10 of 11 states studied--and reversal in 4 of the states, OH, IA, NE and NM, with enough Electoral Votes to change the outcome:)
(The Freeman report:) (Freeman report update:) (The Jonathan Simon-Alastair Thompson Report--47 state Exit Poll study, shift to Bush in 12 critical states--CO, FL, MI, MN, NE, NV, NH, NM, OH, PA, WI, IA:) (Expert report establishing that some 200,000-plus votes in three big FLA Democratic counties were very likely phantom votes for Bush or votes stolen from Kerry :)
(The Berkeley report:) / (scroll down to "Voting": "The Effects of Electronic Voting Machines...")
(Report on the impossibility of Bush big numbers in the Republican-controlled electronic vote tabulation vs. the absentee ballot vote (30% of the vote) which showed a much closer race--again, votes manufactured for Bush or stolen from Kerry--in NC:)
(The North Carolina report:) (More recently, Cobb-Greens have found--and Jesse Jackson has reported--the improbable numbers for a largely unknown Dem judicial candidate in Ohio, who pulled huge votes compared to Kerry, also in improbable precincts--don't have a url for this yet--got an email from Alliance for Democracy in OH.)
(04 Election in Ohio--massive vote suppression and irregularities:) articles:) (Diebold hacking demonstration:) investigation, info on insecurity of e-voting:) (an amazing list of Election Fraud ’04 articles:) (excellent archive:) (a dramatic explanation of the ’04 Exit Poll thing:) Other sites of interest:
(detailed info, analysis, discussion of everything - takes patience - see 2004 Election forum:) (on-going recount news-OH, Nev, New Mex:) (a great general resource:) Also:,,,,,,
As well as media blogs at :
Randi Rhodes, Janeane Garofola, Sam Seder and Mike Malloy of Air America ( ).
Keith Olberman (MSNBC-Countdown).
ACTION: Write/email/ call NOW Kerry-Edwards, DNC and GAO
Kerry campaign fax: 202-224-8525 Campaign (phone) 202-712-3000, (fax) 202-712-3001
Ohio Democrats (phone) 614-221-6563 (voice), (fax) 614-221-0721 (--setup to send 3 letters at once to K/E, DNC and GAO)