A nice summary of various studies and something those following the Conyers hearings may find to be a useful 'primer,' as topics inlcude "A Rat is Smelled," "Vote Stealing 101,".....
http://www.missoulanews.com/News/News.asp?no=4508Introductory paragraphs:
2 Dec 2004
Does not compute
by Alan Waldman
Watchdogs want to know: Did every vote count?
Talk radio and the Internet are abuzz with suggestions that John Kerry was elected president on Nov. 2--but Republican election officials made it difficult for millions of Democrats to vote while employees of four secretive, GOP-bankrolled corporations rigged electronic voting machines and then hacked central tabulating computers to steal the election for George W. Bush.
The Bush administration's "fix" of the 2000 election debacle (the Help America Vote Act) made crooked elections considerably easier, by foisting paperless electronic voting on states before the bugs had been worked out or meaningful safeguards could be installed.
The Wall Street Journal recently revealed that "Verified Voting, a group formed by a Stanford University professor to assess electronic voting, has collected 31,000 reports of election fraud and other problems."
"Did Bush Know?"