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YAHOO NEWS! Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought

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pbartch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:03 PM
Original message
YAHOO NEWS! Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 11:09 PM by pbartch
Fri Dec 3, 6:52 PM ET
By JOHN SEEWER, Associated Press Writer

TOLEDO, Ohio - President Bush's victory over John Kerry in Ohio was closer than the unofficial election night totals showed, but the change is not enough to trigger an automatic recount, according to county-by-county results provided to The Associated Press on Friday.

Bush's margin of victory in the state that put him over the top in his re-election bid will be about 119,000 votes, which is smaller than the unofficial margin of 136,000, the county election board figures showed. That means Kerry drew closer by about 17,000 votes.

The margin shrank primarily because of the addition of provisional ballots that were not counted on Election Day and were not included in the unofficial tally. Overseas ballots also were added to the count in all 88 counties.

And about a quarter of Kerry's gain was the result of an electronic voting system glitch that gave Bush 3,893 extra votes in a suburban Columbus precinct. The extra votes had been included in the unofficial count, but aren't part of the official tally.

Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell will certify the results Monday.
The president's margin of victory was about 2 percent, not close enough to require an automatic recount. That happens only when the difference is 0.25 percent or less.

Bush beat Kerry nationally by 3 percentage points.
Out of 156,977 provisional ballots checked, 121,598 were pronounced valid and were accepted, meaning about one in five was thrown out, according to an AP tabulation. Provisional voters are cast when poll workers cannot immediately confirm if a voter was properly registered.

How many provisional ballots were cast for Bush and how many were cast for Kerry were not known, because most county election boards did not break down the votes that way. Most boards combined provisional ballots with overseas ballots and those cast on Election Day, then counted the entire batch to reach their final tallies.

The Kerry campaign and two third-party candidates are seeking a recount in Ohio. The Green and Libertarian parties said they have raised enough money to cover the cost. The Kerry campaign said it is not disputing the outcome of the presidential race but wants to make sure any recount is "done accurately and completely."

A recount probably won't occur until after Ohio's electors meet Dec. 13. The narrowing of Bush's margin only increases the possibility that the election results could be changed, the Green Party said. "Who knows what else will turn up when we examine the discarded ballots?" Green spokesman Blair Bobier asked.

Some county leaders think spending an estimated $1.5 million on a recount would be a waste of money.
"If we thought the recount would change the outcome of the election, we might feel differently," said Larry Long, executive director of the state's County Commissioners Association.
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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. Excuse me but this is the third thread on this topic and your link
is not the right one.
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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:08 PM
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2. Here are the other two
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AnIndependentTexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:08 PM
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3. screw them they wasted money on a stupid war so we will waste money now
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:16 PM
Response to Original message
4. I think we need to HAMMER KERRY and the DNC
Get them to stop saying shit like they don't dispute the outcome.

THE OUTCOME IS A LIE. We ALL know it. Kerry needs to step forward and demand his own statewide recount. I gave a petition to my state chair tonight demanding just that.

Please, please, write the DNC and insist that Kerry ask for his OWN recount.

This is absolutely ridiculous and I have NO MORE PATIENCE with Kerry or the DNC. They need to DEFEND OUR VOTES. It's that simple.
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VivaKerry Donating Member (609 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:19 PM
Response to Original message
5. Gawd, our country is dense!
Um, every single individual in this country should be concerned taht we don't know the EXACT count. I could give a good god gamn HOW CLOSE or HOW FAR the vote margin was. Waht was the EXACT F'ing count? Every vote counted!!

I can HEAR the fricken american public: "well, gee, even if we KNEW the exact count, bush would still win, so we should all go shopping." arrgh
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ColoradoDemocrat Donating Member (28 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Where the f*ck is Kucinich??
Why is-God bless him-Jesse Jackson left to make the noise? I hear you about Kerry and the DNC-they STINK!! But where's the circus? Where's Dean, anyway?? Wanting the take over the DNC and bring it left, but ignoring ALL OF US?? For Pete's sake, where's Sharpton?? Where's the NAACP? I've heard very, very little about what the ACLU is doing about this, too!

I just spent two hours looking for articles about what's happening NOW, and I didn't see ANY of these people involved.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:32 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. I wouldn't say Kerry stinks, but...
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 11:36 PM by politicasista
they should stop saying that overturning the election doesn't matter, (it does), but it is about saving democracy here. I fault the DNC for their overall sorry leadership. The NAACP is looking for a new president, however, where is the Congressional Black Caucus? I guess they are waiting for Inaguration Day to protest.
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VivaKerry Donating Member (609 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:34 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I hear you......
but guess what???

If a fricken MASS of people started gathering in capitols across this nation.. believe me...these politicians would totally show up to lead. It's their 'persona'. Kind of a 'build it and they will come'.

God...why are we not like the people in the ukraine!!

Bush stealing the election.. walking away with the loot.. is OUR FAULT -- the people. I am as guilty as everyone.

But, well, like most people,.... I don't have the direction to make a move. I can bitch and froth at the mouth like most... but that's pointless.

There is a core of powerlessness amongst the people.... including me... that will be the death of us all and the earth......

I have to stop blaming bush. I have to blame myself.
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ColoradoDemocrat Donating Member (28 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:50 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. Organizing like Ukraine
I read an article about NGOs, one headed by Madeline Albright, that have been teaching OTHER countries to fight election fraud. It involves local organizing, alternative news/communications sources (like DU!!), and most important, GETTING THE PEOPLE IN THE STREETS!! Then the MSM can't ignore it!

I liked the idea of the go to their state capital on electoral college day (dec. 12). Maybe this'll get the momentum.

I have been looking everywhere online for info on rallies--how many lefties like me are inspired by Ukraine? They WON THE RIGHT TO REVOTE!!
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KaliTracy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:40 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. The Ohio ACLU *is* investigating
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 11:41 PM by KaliTracy
I gave them information the first week when they were asking for any stories/experiences. Mine happened to be a "positive" story, in that we had, in our "privedged" district Many Machines.... they wrote back to me and told me that the information was very helpful.

My theory -- and it's only one person's opinion -- is the reason you don't see many "high profile" people talking about this yet(I'm thinking more about Al Franken or Michael Moore, etc.)is because the media would then see it as something different than "Americans Standing up for Democracy." They know the fickle media, and how razor sharp their reports can be. They remember what happened in Florida. As for Kerry -- he's starting to stir. And I think that he is holding a hand of cards that he doesn't want to reveal yet. Seems crazy to us on the outside, but given that last time the Supreme Court made the decision -- not the people -- I fully feel that they are trying to have as many people vested in the process as possible. I haven't heard anything from Sharpton, but I am certain the next week things will really heat up. At least, that's my hope.

And -- these might all just be pipe dreams... but I gotta hold on to something at this point.

"The important thing is to never stop questioning." -- Einstein
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pbartch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 11:44 PM
Response to Reply #9
10.  but I gotta hold on to something at this point.

Can you all believe one month has gone by since the lousy election?
Time flys by fast when you are having a lousy time.
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