Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 09:26 PM by politicasista
Okay, I may filp flop at times but I decided to vent. Ever since November 2, I was hoping that we would evict Smirky from office the next day, but I guess I was wrong.
Since this is my first time voting, I am struggling to move on. (I don't want to). This was my first time paying attention to a presidental election because of issues like education, jobs, economy, etc.
I want to believe that there is fraud and strong evidence, but some days I don't know. (I am an up and down person). I post in the "I Believe" thread for hope, but lately it just been a bunch of Kerry bashing and nothing else.
I would like to believe that Kerry/Edwards are fighting this, but some posts suggests otherwise. I have heard people saying that "if Kerry can't stand up for us and democracy, how can he stand up to the terrorists?" and a bunch of name calling, etc.
Some days, I just want to echo the fact that Bush clearly stole this election and the better man I voted for lost, but other days I just feel like we lost, get over it, we nominated a weak, indecisive candidate who ran a terrible, disorganized campaign that couldn't defeat the worst/hated president ever period.
I am encouraged to post and read about the voter fraud, but what would happened if it was actually revealed? The media isn't covering anything. It just feels like regardless of the outcome, Bush will always get HIS way. He never has to concede. His supporters don't know what it's like to cry all night long and be depressed for days. He controls everything from the House, Senate to the Media and SCOTUS.
Anyway, had Kerry won, none of us would be having this conversation. We would be talking about who is in his cabinet or what he plans to say in his inagural address. Instead, we are talking about how he is a coward for conceding early instead of following through on his promise, what a fine president he would have been and all the coulda, woulda, and shoulda, and who we should run in 2008.
Maybe this was God's plan of letting Bush clean up his own mess and finish what he started. I don't know, but I would like to find optimism somewhere.