getting too far into it, (but everyone can come to their own conclusions). YES there ARE links however, many of his "links" do not hold water for me. So FYI this is ONE of the "Auditor perona's" reply to "Amy" when asked to give a summary of what the heck was going on from the BBV board:
Hope all of this is helpful in your request, Amy!
'What follows is a whole lot of information on Five also known as 5Star Trust that has been compiled and needs to be followed up on, forcertain, along with their donations to Accenture Inc. We haverequested that Greg give us the link to his donation funds page, orsomeone that knows Greg, so that we can begin spreading his muchneeded funding across the web. We are prepared to fully back and fundany investigation that takes place. Without further influence here is5 star trust.
'Exposed: Funding vote fraud -- a "five star" investigation you all had a fine Thanksgiving. If the following account istrue, we may not that damned turkey hanging around for another fouryears. Saudi money? For vote fraud-watchers, the article of the day must beWayne Madsen's piece in the Online Journal. It is a must-read:November 25, 2004 -- According to informed sources in Washington andHouston, the Bush campaign spent some $29 million to pay polling place operatives around the country to rig the election for Bush. Theoperatives were posing as Homeland Security and FBI agents but wereactually technicians familiar with Diebold, Sequoia, ES&S, Triad,Unilect, and Danaher Controls voting machines. These techniciansreportedly hacked the systems to skew the results in favor of Bush. The leak about the money and the rigged election apparently came fromtechnicians who were promised to be paid a certain amount for theirwork but the Bush campaign interlocutors reneged and some of thetechnicians are revealing the nature of the vote rigging program.Madsen goes on to say that money for the operations was funnelledthrough a Saudi-linked financial entity based in Houston called FiveStar Trust, which was also apparently used to fund both Bush and BinLaden. Other monies came from carefully-hidden Enron loot stashed away in the Cook Islands: Cook Islands banks also handled some of the weapons smuggling financing of the Iran-Contra scandal. A former Justice Department attorney who helped prosecute the BCCI case said the use of the Cook Islands by the Bush reelection team indicates they wanted the bank arrangements to be a "quick folding tent" operation that would cease to exist when the election was over.Madsen goes on to detail the complex history of these Cook Islandaccounts, which apparently continue in the same ingloriousmoney-laudering tradition of the Nugan/Hand bank. The article does not name names -- that is, Madsen's sources have notgone on the record. Not yet. But Madsen is a serious writer, hisaccount is detailed, and his knowledge of parapolitical financing issolid. This is the sort of article that either changes history orproves to be a scarlet red herring. My guess? I'll bet you three donuts that his sourcing amounts to morethan mere scuttlebutt. So pass Madsen's piece around. Let's all do what we can to solidifythis research. For example... I've tried some preliminary Googling on Five Star Trust (which is alsospelled "5 Star Trust").
One citation goes to a court case listed here one Marion Horn, Jr., a.k.a. "J.R. Horn," a one-timeRepublican candidate in Kentucky later convicted of wire fraud Also look here
From what I can tell, the guy received a ridiculously attentuatedsentence -- 18 months -- for a serious crime (one commentatormentioned the figure of "$1B") committed while on parole for a similaroffense. Eighteen months...! Isn't it nice to have friends? Much of the above information came by way of the Diligizer Board,which seems to be a clearinghouse for information about shadyoperators in the financial world. On one page they take a brief look at an accused security fraudster named HowardE. Liner -- and just look at what pops up:He claims to be directly involved with VP Chaney and running actuallythe FED program. Mr. Liner pretends to be a former JAG and Militaryattorney. They are connected to Noir Intertrade, who shall be thecommitment holder! They also mentioned the 5-Star Trust, the worldsrichest trust with TRILLIONS (sorry forgot to ask the currency!!) onthe account in Credit Suisse and UBS.Hmm. Did he just say trillions? It that's true, the allegation ofSaudi involvement may well have substance. Mind you, truth becomes a particularly elusive commodity when we lookinto financial wheeler-dealers operating on this level.
Pleaseunderstand that, at this time, I have no idea if or how any of theabove data connects to the allegations of election tampering. Butright now, every little bit of research may prove useful. In a previous article, I mentioned John Allen Paulos, the latestexpert to note the foul odor surrounding this election. (I neglectedto mention that Paulos wrote Innumeracy, one of my ladyfriend'sfavorite books.) Paulos felt uncomfortable with the conspiracy idea,because he did not see how so widespread a scheme could take placewithout one or two players getting talky. (Of course, people once madesimilar disparaging comments about Enron's plot against California.) If Madsen's article proves true, Paulos' main objection has been met:Lips have indeed loosened. If we really do have a conspiracy, what should we expect next? Well,these things tend to follow a predictable course. The corpses shouldpop up soon: "Mysterious "suicides" in underground parking structures,healthy men suffering heart attacks, that sort of thing. After thatwill come the Gerry Posner-esque debunkers who will smirk their mostarrogant smirks at all of us "tin-foil-hat" guys. Until then, we should have ourselves a nice little shit-storm. Whileit lasts, we must grab hold of any and all stray evidence that blowsour way' More on 5 star trust and their stock: Use this to look up all their stock trading quotes:(link is right now withheld, email for request) With enough research you can find them connected to everything....They financed and paid for Bush's campaign all the way along. Basically all of these folks are connected together funneling moneythrough the bank. Especially for the republican trail of nationalpolitics. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of everything: Of particular interest is this part below Former Federal Auditor Turned Whistleblower and FBI Witness Speaks According to, these political ties,involving huge political contributions and large speaking fees forprominent Republican leaders (including former Presidents), haveresulted in a massive $280 million tax break for the AmwayCorporation, the largest multi-level marketing company (MLM), as wellas immunity for Amway and companies of this type from investigationsof possible violations of anti-pyramid scheme statutes. The "business"has brought in well in excess of $20 billion to date. is published by Eric Scheibeler, a formerfederal auditor and later a ranking Amway insider who turnedwhistleblower and FBI witness. Scheibeler was instrumental inproviding key documentation to "Dateline NBC" in its May 7, 2004,hidden camera exposé of Amway/Quixtar's "secret" pyramid business runby Amway/Quixtar "kingpins." "Dateline NBC" reported that the FBI andthe IRS are conducting investigations based partly on informationdisclosed in the report. A life-long conservative, Scheibeler details GOP donations andcorporate promotion that have allegedly resulted in politicalprotection and benefits for the MLM industry. An audiotape of formerSpeaker of the House Newt Gingrich promoting Amway at a large Amwaymeeting is included on the site. The site details public speaking feesto Gingrich in the $50,000 range. Gingrich arranged a reportedlast-minute modification in a comprehensive tax bill that allegedlyprovided a $283 million tax break to just one company -- Amway. Alsoon the site are audio clips of then Texas governor George W. Bush andone sent by high-level kingpin distributors from a private meetingwithin the White House. "The GOP seems to have been hijacked by political payoffs from anindustry that is rife with consumer deception, and bogus 'businessopportunity' selling," Scheibeler stated. "Whether you are a Democrator Republican, we can agree it is time this secret influence peddlingand the harm it causes consumers and our democracy are revealed. I wason the inside. I saw it with my own eyes. I also have the documents,financials, and the audio and video tapes to prove it." The site also calls to task the Federal Trade Commission -- currentlychaired by Bush administration appointee Timothy Muris, whose law firmrepresented Amway -- for its alleged failure to investigate orprosecute pyramid sales schemes, despite multiple well-documentedcomplaints. The whistle blower commented that, his campaign funds paid for Texasand most of their sources which would include the election rigging.Dig into this one deep, Five Star Investment has a history withAccenture." All the ties and more to the companies, Accenture Inc. is the numberone vendor who controls all the election databases pretty muchthrough-out the nation. The voting companies had contracts in almost all the states Accenturelocked down. "The FBI has now come and reported of machine owners disguised aselection officials, and other hackers, rigging the elections.This is all tied and irreversably linked together. This is not a joke,the hackers know they are. has been linked to China....who has the most security holes, andwho was also doing a field test run on a no bid Contract, back inJuly? Diebold.... Schools were trained in this. Diebold and ES&S have known this for along time. There are ties going back to Accenture Inc who creates thevoter databases, and to Stryon Inc, Halcyon Inc, that go back numbersof years. Department of Procurement receives contracts for Accenture's databases Wednesday, Nov 10, 2004 Arkansas News BureauLITTLE ROCK - The awarding of a contract to install a statewide voterregistration system should be made by the end of the year, the chiefdeputy of the secretary of state's office said Tuesday. Four companies met the Monday deadline for submitting proposals to thesecretary of state's office, said Janet Miller. The proposed system is part of the state's overall effort to complywith the 2002 Help America Vote Act. The goal, Miller said, is for all 75 counties to be linked to the samesystem, where reliable and accurate voter registration informationwill be available. The four companies submitted their proposals and their cost estimatesseparately, she said. The four are Ciber of Springfield, Ill., Accenture eDemocracy Servicesof Reston, Va.; Election Systems and Software, Omaha, Neb., and SaberConsulting, Salem, Ore." Ken Blackwell proven to be working for Accenture"Charlie Black, from all reports a long-time Bush confidant, heads upAccenture's lobbying arm. Burson-Marsteller is the PR firm forAccenture. Guess who teamed up with Burson-Marteller for an 18-month,$15.3 million voter education campaign- Ohio Sec of State KenBlackwell." "And here's yet another Burson-Marsteller link to Accenture.Burson-Marsteller's old chairman, James Murphy, is now head of GlobalManaging Director of Marketing and Communications for Accenture.
" Important! Burson Marstellar also put a contract out in Italy withCyberNet international, and James Murphy owns Verisign's competitor! ""Nella pianificazione delle operazioni di marketing è però necessario fare un'importante distinzione, come suggerisce Diego Lifonti, managing director di Burson-Marsteller: « Se si tratta di business to consumer l'esigenza primaria è quella di creare un brand forte, focalizzando il target e investendo adeguatamente in pubblicità e pubbliche relazioni. Nel caso di business to business conta molto di più il peso e la serietà dell'azienda. Nel caso di start up – dice Lifonti – con un investimento di 60-100 milioni all'anno si può impostare un efficiente ufficio stampa corporate e rimandare la più costosa pubblicità nel momento in cui entra in gioco il venture capitalist ». Nel mercato business è impegnata CyberNet Italia con l'offerta disoluzioni innovative per la telecomunicazione integrata per le aziende di tutte le dimensioni: infrastruttura di rete privata, accesso ad Internet, politica di sicurezza della rete, gestione dei processi commerciali elettronici e servizi di telefonia integrata. « Stampa nazionale, azioni di marketing diretto, eventi aziendali,sponsorizzazioni e operazioni di co-branding sono state le leveselezionate per la promozione del nostro marchio – dice Roberto Loro,responsabile marketing CyberNet -. Per fare qualche esempio, da unanno siamo sponsor in Italia della gestione tecnologica di Unimondoche raccoglie e manda in rete progetti e materiale sui dirittidell'uomo. Il costo dell'operazione, gestita in Gran Bretagna daBritish Telecom, - dice Loro – va da 100 a 200 milioni l'anno ».
"" him up in the database and it will show you the reports on Murphy and Marstellar corporation. More on Charlie Black: Halliburton tied directly to Accenture and its Diebold partners:"Accenture is big. It has more than 75,000 employees in 47 countries,and generated net revenues of $11.6 billion for the fiscal year endedAug. 31, 2002. On their board of directors is Steve Ballmer,Microsoft's CEO and known to many as Bad Boy Ballmer for his ruthless, if not illegal, business practices. Microsoft has been sued by the federal government and several states for monopolistic business practices which were designed to destroy their competition.Massachusetts's Attorney General is still pursuing Microsoft. In March 13, 2000 Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) and Microsoft signed a "$1 Billion Pact To Form Joint Venture and Expand Global Alliance." What's the alliance? To control voting systems around the world?... ...Then there's the Accenture connection to Halliburton, VicePresident Dick Cheney's former employer. Halliburton is widelycriticized for doing business with brutal regimes and was the subjectof an SEC investigation and several lawsuits surrounding theiraccounting practices during and after Cheney's tenure at the helm. The Polaris Institute says that in July 2000 David Lesar succeeded Dick Cheney as chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company. Before joining Halliburton, Lesar was employed by Arthur Andersen, Accenture's former parent company. Polaris says, " . . . while defending Halliburton's accounting practices, David Lesar publicly acknowledged that Cheney knew about the firm's accounting practices . . ."
All are linked to CyberNet group. For a fact they always have been. "Stryon ( ) has merged with Halcyon Software. The newcompany will focus on developing software that will help businessesmove their older software, called legacy software, to newer operatingenvironments. The merged company, retaining the name Stryon, isclosely affiliated with The CyberNET Group, a global systemsintegration firm with operations throughout North America, Europe,South Africa, Asia, and Australia. CyberNET CEO Barton Watsoncomments, "The merger with Halcyon brings tremendous capabilities toStryon" as it "can now provide a scope of application services neverbefore available to middle market companies and enterprise accounts."Halcyon is a portfolio company of ChinaVest.(ChinaVest is one of theoldest and largest private equity firms exclusively targeting therapidly growing Greater China market; China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.Since 1985, it has raised more than US$300 million and developed abalanced portfolio of more than 40 companies.)" They've done this for years. This isn't some random incident, they'vebeen planning it, using students as guinea pigs for years.
Jeff Fisherand their later breaking story are completely true. Either the ownerof CyberCO Holdings killed himself because he couldn't take thepressure of the Saudi games anymore, or he just had flat out hadenough of the workings of this corrupt firm. Anderson Consulting,which turned into Accenture Inc. has been around for over 10 years. Itall fits in line with Mr. Fisher's story perfectly and the allegationsof other senators. Voter Gate 2004. Period. " "Link to teacher Charles J. Cohen, also working at Bay Point Schools.Included is links through-out the last 10 years or so to AccentureInc. Chuck J. Cohen, who received an award in Michigan state about the sametime ZeoSync got popular. Bay Point Schools: Alot more interesting where that comes from....SourcePlus coding wascreated by CyberNET Group and later transposed by CyberNET systemsinto a linux type of free database application program. It was also snatched up by who else but Accenture Inc for a factduring their dealings with ChoicePoint...
<>05/07/01; Vol. 16 No. 3 EYE ON THE STATES By Thomas R. Davies The ABC's of Market Leadership in the StatesEach year this publication profiles the top integrators in state andlocal government. And each year, without fail, someone asks me, "Howdid the market leaders get to where they are?" It would be easy to say they won more business because they arebetter, but that doesn't answer the question of how they got to be sogood at what they do. Many years ago, when I first tried to answer this question for myself,one piece of advice I was given was to "go where the competitionain't." I believe many leaders in the state and local governmentmarket today can attribute some of their successes to doing just that— being the first to capture a new niche in the market. I soon discovered, however, that knowing where not to go is only halfthe story. The key is knowing just where to go. That's the realstrategic marketing challenge. Experience has shown me just howdifficult it is to uncover the next big opportunity in state and localbefore any one else does. A quick look at the state and local landscape suggests many companiestoday are struggling with the same challenge. The traditional marketopportunities that served many companies as the foundation for growth,such as child support payment processing, electronic benefitstransfer, parking ticket processing and health care claims processing,are maturing and aren't as attractive as before. To understand where new opportunities could emerge, take a closer lookat the strategic principles that have driven the growth of the marketleaders. These principles can be summarized in three words:replication, transaction and aggregation. Each has been a powerfuldriver in creating profitable and fast-growing IT businesses. Replication has been key to the success of many integrators. Doingsomething once, and doing it well — on time and within budget — isextremely important. The trick is to be the first to learn how to dosomething hard that other companies without similar experience findtoo risky. By doing so, companies take a high-risk endeavor and, with experience,make it a low-risk one. Without replication, the learning curve is toosteep for most companies who lack similar experience.
Large, complex systems development and implementation projects are acase in point. The first time companies such as Deloitte Consulting,Accenture or American Management Systems Inc. build and implement anew system, they often take on significant risk. All sorts of thingscan and do go wrong. But once they have mastered the skills needed tobe successful, they can take these strengths to the next opportunityand reapply them. Each time they do so, they improve and put greater distance betweenthemselves and their competitors. As the customer requirements grow insize and complexity — and they inevitably do — these companies arewell-positioned to win the add-on work. This is one reason why only ahandful of companies dominate the state and local government marketfor large-scale systems development and implementation work. Transactions are what drive the day-to-day work load of state andlocal governments.
Application and payment processing, fee and finecollections, deed and motor vehicle registrations, business andoccupational licensing, permitting and benefit disbursements are allexamples of market opportunities that are driven by transactions. For companies in these niches, the daily transactions of governmentprograms mean "cha-ching, cha-ching" at the cash register. Companies such as Citibank N.A., Lockheed Martin IMS, Electronic DataSystems Corp., Unisys Corp. and WorldCom Inc. go where thetransactions are. Historically, access to high-speed proprietary datacommunication networks has been the price of admission to thetransactions market. But over the past five years, companies such as National InformationConsortium Inc. have gained a foothold in the e-gov transaction marketby leveraging the Internet and the Web in lieu of building their owncommunications infrastructures. Aggregation is now emerging as a new strategic driver of growth.Rather than bemoan the high cost of marketing to a highly fragmentedstate and local market —more than 3,000 counties and 19,000 cities —smart companies are capitalizing on the market's diversity to creategrowth opportunities. ChoicePoint Inc., a leading data provider togovernment and industry, is a good example of this. ChoicePoint collects, packages and resells data from credit bureaus,regulatory agencies, motor vehicle departments, voter registrationlists, courthouses and other sources.
For its public-sector customers,ChoicePoint provides government investigators with information theyneed to do their jobs. Investigations in state and local government, such as child supportverifications, medical claims fraud, criminal history backgroundchecks and court proceedings, require investigators to find the latestinformation on people. ChoicePoint collects data from hundreds of disparate sources andstores it in easy-to-access electronic databases, indexed by SocialSecurity number, and provides investigators with a single source ofaccess to the information they need. The fact that much of the data isoriginally collected by other government agencies is testimony to thevalue of aggregation. Aggregation, transactions and replication have been key strategicprinciples for gaining competitive advantage in the state and localmarket over the past 10 years. Future strategic principles, such as subscription and globalization,are likely to become as important. The companies to watch are thosethat are the first to uncover and exploit these market dynamics. Thomas Davies is senior vice president at Current Analysis inSterling, Va. His e-mail address is Accenture elects VeriSign for e-voting <> Others:<> <> <> <> <> The whitewash to try to cover it up....Proven deals with the software: "Here's where the ties prove they were joined at the hip"Stryon ( ) has merged with Halcyon Software. The newcompany will focus on developing software that will help businessesmove their older software, called legacy software, to newer operatingenvironments. The merged company, retaining the name Stryon, isclosely affiliated with The CyberNET Group, a global systemsintegration firm with operations throughout North America, Europe,South Africa, Asia, and Australia. CyberNET CEO Barton Watsoncomments, "The merger with Halcyon brings tremendous capabilities toStryon" as it "can now provide a scope of application services neverbefore available to middle market companies and enterprise accounts."Halcyon is a portfolio company of ChinaVest.
(ChinaVest is one of theoldest and largest private equity firms exclusively targeting therapidly growing Greater China market; China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.Since 1985, it has raised more than US$300 million and developed abalanced portfolio of more than 40 companies.)" Legacy system integration for applications was planned long inadvance, Cyber Systems, Cyber Group and Stryon have been joined at thehip for years which means that it was very easy to sell their servicesto Accenture Inc. and other developers, and allow Diebold and votingvendors to freely take the source code and provide it wide open forhackers. Integrated systems that if pulled off correctly, prove thatanyone from a small time student to a low level graduate could rig themachines with little to no training at all. "Dr. Piotr Blass, chief technology advisor at ZeoSync, said "Ourrecent accomplishment is so significant that highly randomizedinformation sequences, which were once considered non-reducible by thescientific community, are now massively reducible using advancedsingle-bit-variance encoding and supporting technologies." "The technologies that are being developed at ZeoSync are anticipatedto ultimately provide a means to perform multi-pass data encoding andcompression on practically random data sets with applicability tonearly every industry," said Jim Slemp, president of Radical Systems,Inc. "The evaluation of the complex algorithms is currently beingperformed with small practically random data sets due to the analysistimes on standard computers. Based on our internally validatedtest results of these components, we have demonstrated asingle-point-variance when encoding random data into a smaller dataset. The ability to encode single-point-variance data is expectedto yield multi-pass capable systems after temporal issues areaddressed." Doctor, are you certain that such multi-pass capable systems aren'talready in use? It appears that they were in use in several florida based locationsand oddly enough it was compounded into multiple operatingsystems...Including Oracle including Windows NT, so lets see then... Lucent technologies adapts the program followed by CyberNET and itslegacy based software department CyberNET systems, which is even ontheir company page. It appears as though ZeoSync largely based inFlorida was involved in this whole deal to develop the software... The software is nothing but a code, a shell code easily applied intoany legacy database which is what Cyber has always specialized in.
Thesame companies trading stock with the machine voting vendors.....Whatdid I discover about your interesting code Dr. Blass? Reverse integer integrations appear across the board, dependingon the bit size. Having personally heard on the radio today, from Ohiostate talking about the new smoking evidence of election fraud theyfound....I did a little back ground check. Guess what happened to the tabulators the lawyers found which lost allthe Kerry votes? They ended up counting backwards....They ended upreversing integers, which based on the studies of Dr. Blass, thisentire program was sold and patented to rig elections....Think aboutit, unparalleled control of elections due to database source code,which could be found in normal voting machines and their programmersall the way down to small end company network systems. All with onepurpose in mind: Control the numbers.....Doctor you are a mastermathematic genius are you not?
What purpose would a math-integercompression program serve inside the wrong hands? Can you imaginebeing able to hack one machine, install this code, and have virtualcontrol over all of the votes in an entire state in literallyminutes.....Have control over all the social security numbers inAccenture's database in less than 10 seconds....Have control over theworld financial records and their bank totals, using Diebold ATM's inunder 20 seconds....Can you actually imagine the impact such aprofoundly evil program could have, besides the basis of good it cando?' Apologies for such a long post, there is tons of documents we have been saving on our drives! Greg Palast has the rest of documents including the page to look up Accenture's stock history.