...are used worldwide to verify elections, and specifically to help determine if fraud occurred. They are highly respected non-partisan polls. Their methods have undoubtedly improved over the years, which is why they continue to be used everywhere for this purpose.
Recently, in the Ukraine, it was the discrepancy between the Exit Polls and the tallied results that prompted 500,000 people to take to the streets to protest that fraudulent election.
Here, the TV networks hid Kerry's big numbers in the Exit Polls by starting to mix the Exit Poll data with the tallied results sometime between 4 pm and 6 pm on election day, thus making it appear that the Exit Polls corroborated a Bush victory, when the only evidence of a Bush victory came from vote tabulation machines using SECRET source code (no public review!) owned as proprietary by highly partisan Republican voting machine companies who had insisted on no paper trail for electronic voting.
What reason do we have for confidence in the tallied result? None, in fact. Which should we trust--non-partisan Exit Polls with a worldwide reputation for accuracy, or Republican-controlled vote tabulation?
You wrote: "I've already expressed my skepticism about this..."
So, you're pre-judging it, are you?
"Today, though, Ruy Teixeira throws yet more cold water on the fraud thesis..."
"...yet more cold water..."?? What OTHER "cold water" has been "thrown" on the fraud thesis? Your personal opinion that you have "already expressed"?
In fact, there is voluminous evidence of election fraud from several different kinds of statistical analysis (not just of the Exit Polls, but also of paper vs. electronic voting, demographics, prior voting patterns, presidential vs. lower ticket, etc.), and 57,000 complaints to Congress including evidence of several different kinds of electronic vote machinery fraud, fraud involving Democratic voter registrations, and massive vote suppression by Republican election officials in Democratic, minority and poor areas.
You conveniently ignore all other evidence.
And, frankly, I would never base any thesis on the thin "evidence" you present above. Where did you get these numbers? Whose numbers are they? You say they are "raw exit poll results"? What does that MEAN? (--perhaps that this "raw data" HAS NOT BEEN weighted for demographics, and is NOT the actual Exit Poll PREDICTIONS?) How can we know what this data means with so little information?
You just toss it out here, and run off.
"I gotta go right now, I will postulate more on it later."
Really, I can't wait for your further "postulations."
But let me just make a few "postulations" on the Ruy Teixeira (Century Foundation) piece that you reference.
It proves nothing.
He calls the Republican-controlled electronic vote tabulation machine results "the real world."
He implies that the Exit Polls data on TV network screens on Nov.2 had probably not been weighted for demographics, and he says this on the basis of no information whatsoever. A few paragraphs later he says he doesn't know. (It is extremely unlikely that Exit Poll companies would feed unweighted data to the networks as their professional prediction of who was winning!) (If they did so, they should all be fired!)
He then references and extensively quotes a Greenberg Quinlan Rossner study which has the subtitle "Why Americans wanted change but voted for continuity?" The study was published Nov. 5, 2004--a month BEFORE the election! (How can they be making "postulations" about an event that has not yet occurred?)
Neither 'Bread and Circus', nor Teixeira, nor Greenberg Quinlan Rossner say one word about the Republican-controlled source code for vote tabulation, the unverifiability of the election (no paper trail in a third of the country), or massive vote suppression against Democratic voters by Republican election officials.
Have I wasted my time by analyzing 'Bread and Circus''s sloppy, unfactual, self-opinionated, useless, unverifiable "postulations"? Maybe. But we do need to be aware of the crap that will be thrown at us, and this is a good example of it.