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Eloriel--FBI Refuses Access To Those With Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fr

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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 06:42 PM
Original message
Eloriel--FBI Refuses Access To Those With Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fr
Edited on Sun Dec-05-04 06:43 PM by Gloria
Don't know if you have this....picked it up off a Clark list today....
A group called Transparent Democracy in NY....

FBI Refuses Access To Those With Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fraud

Subject: FBI Refuses Access To Those With Complaint Alleging Ohio Voter Fraud

The White Plains office of the FBI today
refused to accept a complaint detailing allegations of compound
felonies of voter fraud, conspiracy and other offenses in connection
with the Ohio conduct of last month's presidential election.

A group of election activists called Transparent Democracy -
including civil rights attorney Michael Sussman, Greenburgh town
supervisor Paul Feiner, and four others - attempted to present the
complaint at noon today while dozens of protestors carried signs
outside supporting the call for an investigation.

The smaller group was denied access to the FBI's Westchester offices
at 222 Bloomingdale Road in White Plains. Organizer Nicholas Mottern
had previously arranged with the office to present the complaint.

However, when they arrived in the building's lobby, he and the others
were informed by building security that the FBI had instructed
management not to allow them access to the Bureau's offices, and that
the FBI would not send a representative down to the desk to accept
the complaint.

In response to the Bureau's action, Sussman, Feiner and Mottern
signed into the building register and left the document with the desk
clerk for delivery to the Bureau. A local cable news station later
reported that the FBI refused to accept delivery of it.

n response to the Bureau's actions, the group called another rally for
Wednesday, December 8 at noon to demand that the Bureau accept the
complaint and investigate the allegations of fraud in time to prevent
a possible theft of the election. Wednesday's rally will likewise take
place at 222 Bloomingdale Road in White Plains.

Video of the attempted presentation of the complaint, and some
footage of the rally, is available at

- the text of the letter which was offered follows:

Robert Mueller, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
c/o White Plains Office
222 Bloomingdale Road
White Plains, New York

Dear Director Mueller:
On behalf of myself and other concerned citizens of Westchester
County, New York, I implore the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) to urgently and intensively investigate evidence of
widespread conspiracy to tamper with votes and suppress voting
in the 2004 Presidential election.

We request that the FBI immediately send additional agents to
Ohio and Florida, key electoral states where there are indications
of gross tampering and suppression.

In Ohio, for example, in 29 Cayuhoga County (Cleveland) precincts,
93,136 more votes were recorded than there are registered voters.
In addition to suspicious electronic vote counting, there were
significant problems in Ohio with the mechanics of voting, such as
malfunctioning machines and problems with poll log books.

It has been reported that J. Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio's chief
election official and the Ohio Bush-Cheney campaign chair,
ensured there were ample voting machines in Republican areas
and a shortage of machines in low-income and African-American
areas, as well as areas expected to have a high turnout of young
voters. Inspite of an increase in voter registration in Ohio, fewer
machines were said to have been provided than in 2000.

Werner Lange, a Youngstown pastor, said at hearings held
November 13 by the Ohio Election Protection Coalition that less
than half of the usual number of voting machines were available
in one African-American community. "This," he said, "caused an
enormous bottleneck among voters who had to wait a very,
very long time to vote, many of them giving up in frustration and
leaving." He estimated that 7,000 votes were lost to Senator
John Kerry in Youngstown alone, due to insufficient voting machines.

Carol Shelton, presiding judge at a precinct in Columbus, said
voting machines were insufficient, that she called for more
machines and was sent one, "which did not make a dent in the
line...This was a clear case of voter suppression by making
voting an impossibility for anyone who had to go to work or
anyone who was stuck at home caring for children or the elderly
while another family member voted."

In Florida, initial counts showed 237,522 more votes cast for
president than there were people casting ballots. The state
altered the vote count to eliminate county discrepancies after
independent researchers began to point out contradictions.
Keith Olbermann, reporting for MSNBC, found: "On the same
Florida Democratic ballots where Bush scored big, people
supported highly Democratic measures- such as raising the
state minimum wage $1 above the federal level. This indicates
that only the presidential voting was rigged."

In addition, an unknown number of Florida voters, particularly in
African-American communities, were effectively disenfranchised
by long waiting lines and faulty equipment. There is no reason
for these conditions to have existed in Florida after the
experience of 2000 other than because of official conspiracy
to suppress the vote.

Discrepancies between exit polls and tallies from electronic
voting machines leaving no paper trails indicate the need for
investigations in Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, Wisconsin,
Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

We request that the FBI interview, in addition to public officials,
employes of firms involved in electronic voting in the 2004, the
most prominent including: Diebold Election Systems; Election
Systems and Software; Science Applications International
Corporation, Sequoia Voting Systems; and VoteHere Inc.

And, we ask the FBI to determine whether national voting laws
have been violated and to what degree, if any, there was
central direction of vote tampering and vote suppression.

Nick Mottern
1061 Main Street Box 111
Peekskill, New York 10566

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spotbird Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 06:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. You can make reports to their web page.
Edited on Sun Dec-05-04 06:53 PM by spotbird
I do it when I get those Nigerian bank scam spams. They always seem appreciative.
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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 06:54 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I have no idea what you are referring to....explains??
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spotbird Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 07:24 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. It is possible to make reports directly.
Now making a false report is also a crime, so use the service carefully and honestly.
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The Flaming Red Head Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
7.  reply I send to Nigerian bank scam spams
Found money,

up your ass, seek colonoscopy fast!
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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 06:56 PM
Response to Original message
3. Yes, thanks, I do have it
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rainbow4321 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 07:36 PM
Response to Original message
5. Yet they go after Missouri "fraud'??
Ok, so they IGNORE the dems who have proof and yet they take action when a repub sys that there may be fraud??? Wassup with that?

FBI probe may involve more than vote fraud allegations
Saturday, Dec. 04 2004

A grand jury investigation and an FBI raid have made it clear that federal prosecutors are targeting suspected wrongdoing in East St. Louis. What is fuzzy is exactly who is wearing the bull's eye and what crime is being alleged.

Formally, the feds are not talking. East St. Louis precinct committeemen who were subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury 2 1/2 weeks ago say the investigation centers on voter fraud during the Nov. 2 election. The search warrant used to raid City Hall five days after the grand jury convened supports that but also indicates that the case is bigger than allegations of paying for votes or counting ballots from people who have died or are otherwise not
qualified to vote.

The search warrant served by FBI special agent John Jimenez to City Manager Robert Storman is worded to give the federal government great latitude in its investigation. It cited specifically three crimes that the U.S. attorney's office is looking at: election fraud, mail fraud and "obstruction of an official proceeding by the destruction of records." But, at the end of the warrant signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Gerald B. Cohn, it states "as well as
the fruits of these crimes."


The first talk of voter fraud came Oct. 29 at a news conference in East St. Louis by Illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, chairwoman of the state's Republican Party. She listed several examples of questionable voting practices, including 30 people voting from one address that turned out to be a boarding house. She called on federal authorities to "take the necessary steps to ensure
a free and fair election." East St. Louis votes overwhelmingly Democ

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NVMojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:00 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. check out this FBI/voter fraud story that came out in Utah
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