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Sean O'Keefe from NASA mentioned by Madsen

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momzno1 Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:14 PM
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Sean O'Keefe from NASA mentioned by Madsen

Insider Report: Presidential Poll: Anyone but Hillary!
Special from NewsMax's Most Informed Sources
Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003
Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. A New Korea War? and More
2. Presidential Poll: Anyone but Hillary!
3. To Get Re-elected, Landrieu Lied About Supporting Estrada
4. NASA’s O’Keefe to Replace Rumsfeld?
5. China Exploits ‘Terrorism’ to Repress Freedom

1. A New Korea War? and More

These items just came in over the transom, and we thought we'd share them:

* The U.S. continues to build two nuclear reactors for North Korea . . . despite the present crisis

An American very knowledgeable about the reactor deal tells NewsMax that the main problem with the crisis is the U.S. insistence that South Korea participate in talks with North Korea. The North doesn't want the South at the table.

* Another Korea expert doubts war will break out because North Korea is not in any shape to fight a war – but that North Korea is just pushing the envelope to get as many concessions from the U.S. as possible with the Iraq conflict nearing.

The same expert says North Korea would fight a war only if it received the blessing from China to do so.

* A side note on Korea: Some folks are asking if the Scud missiles the U.S. intercepted – and then allowed to be shipped to Yemen – were really meant for Iraq.

* An early war with Iraq?: If Saddam moves artillery units close to the border where American troops are stationed in Kuwait, expect an early breakout of the war. Pentagon officials are worried that Saddam could deliver chemical and biological weapons pre-emptively before an American invasion begins.

2. Presidential Poll: Anyone but Hillary!

NewsMax’s new poll about the 2004 Democrat presidential contenders has netted a crystal-clear response: anybody except Sen. Hillary Clinton. A whopping 70 percent of respondents named her the worst possibility, an astonishing figure considering there were a dozen choices. Only 2 percent named her the best nominee.

Al Sharpton, as always, was another controversial figure. He came in second for worst candidate, with 17 percent of the vote, but also came in second for best candidate, with 19 percent of the vote.

Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut was named best nominee, with 23 percent of the vote. Only 3 percent named him the worst. Also doing well: Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, favored by 10 percent, and, perhaps surprisingly, long shot Gen. Wesley Clark, with 9 percent.

Who do you think are the best and worst Democrat presidential candidates?

Sen. Joseph Biden 5.5% 1.3%
Gen. Wesley Clark 9.2% 1.2%
Sen. Hillary Clinton 2.4% 69.5%
Howard Dean 1.6% 0.9%
Sen. Christopher Dodd 1.0% 0.5%
Sen. John Edwards 4.1% 1.7%
Rep. Dick Gephardt 2.8% 1.2%
Sen. Bob Graham 10.1% 0.3%
Gary Hart 4.8% 0.9%
Sen. John Kerry 3.7% 2.1%
Sen. Joe Lieberman 22.9% 2.7%
Rev. Al Sharpton 19.2% 16.6%

3. To Get Re-elected, Landrieu Lied About Supporting Estrada

During her desperate and barely won bid for re-election last year, Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, like many other Democrat candidates, fell all over herself telling voters how much she supported President Bush. She claimed she backed judicial nominee Miguel Estrada, whose confirmation had been obstructed by her Democrat colleagues.

Some people will tell any lie to get re-elected.

Now that she’s safely ensconced as just another drone of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, Landrieu is showing her true colors and joining the new effort to bork Estrada.

Republicans are circulating the text, in English and Spanish, of an ad that Friends of Mary Landrieu ran on radio station KGLA 1540 AM, United Press International reports.

"Mary Landrieu has worked close to the Hispanic community," the translation says. She "supported the candidacy of the Honduran Miguel Estrada for the federal court of appeals."

Now the senator is attempting a Clintonesque spin.

"My campaign ran an ad that was intended to convey only that I did not oppose his nomination. Instead it read as if I had already decided to support him. Unfortunately, some of my supporters in the Hispanic community who helped us produce this commercial misinterpreted my neutrality as a statement of support," she claims.

"I take personal responsibility for the error, and I apologize to anyone who was misled by these ads...”

Take personal responsibility? How?

Well, what can you expect from a politician who threatened her rival, Suzanne Terrell, during the 2002 campaign? Too bad it’ll be five years before the people of Louisiana get another chance to oust her.
this from the inside scoop - old, but relevant to the payback that all supporters of the Repuke fraud seem to get.

4. NASA’s O’Keefe to Replace Rumsfeld?

After his careful handling of the shuttle Columbia disaster, Bush insiders are talking of big things for NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe.

The buzz: O'Keefe, former President G.H.W. Bush's Pentagon budget chief and Navy secretary, would be a dandy defense secretary if outspoken Donald Rumsfeld ever leaves, says U.S. News & World Report.

Some are even touting him as vice presidential material.
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pnorman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:38 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sean O'Keefe??
Wasn't he the guy that Cheney brought in, early in 2001? I'll have to do a websearch to refresh my memory, but I have a vague recollection that his "bean-counting" administrative style was linked to that space-shuttle disaster.

NewsMax??? ... that Scaife rag? I sure hope nobody here is regarding all that bilge as gospel.

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momzno1 Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:47 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. nope, just did a search and found that tidbit there
I didn't know anything about the rag.
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momzno1 Donating Member (434 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. also when I did a search for Sean O'Keefe
I came up with a newsletter for a computer company called

that had an interesting program. I don't want to get back into the Cybernet stuff, but this led me to a guy named Steve Duckett who looks like he might have been involved in a company in Bethesda involved with computer security for many Gov. agencies.

these could be leads for those with more time and interest that I have at the moment.
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johncoby2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 08:58 PM
Response to Original message
4. Please take OKeefe away from NASA!
F*ckin bean has as much scientific sense as the inventor of the solar powered flash light.

He would bean count the military to death.

Please take him away from us!
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