Check out my new blog article:
"Election Irregularities in the State Due South of 'Katherine' Blackwell's Ohio"
Subtitle: Kentucky Senate to make 'unbridled' attempt at subverting the rule of law's the first two paragraphs:
Oh, Kentucky! Ye ancient land of “unbridled spirit,” of horses, hospitality and horseshit politics... Say it isn't so! (Heck, this state even has Congresspeople with horsey teeth, but that of course belongs in a dentistry blog.) And did I mention this state's got horses?
With my writing discipline now restored and focusing on the issue at hand, let me first welcome y'all to my state, the Commonwealth of Kentucky (No, 'commonwealth' has nothing to do with socialism, kid—your parents are Republican, I bet). Anyway, y'all see, what we basically have going on here is this Republican candidate for the 37th Senatorial District, Louisville pizza parlor heiress Dana “Dan 'Malano' Seum” Stephenson, somehow having forgotten to look at the state Constitutional blurb regarding the residency requirement for running for this open Senate seat. Ms. Stephenson hadn't lived in the state six years prior to the election, as required, as she lived across the Ohio River in enemy state Indiana for two-thirds of that period. Stephenson's forgetfulness was revealed when her opponent, Democrat Virginia Woodward, filed suit a day ahead of the November 2 election. And not withstanding the smelly political timing of the lawsuit, Stephenson made no attempt to withdraw her name from the ballot. Y'all smell this political stink from a mile away, I betcha.
(Read more at the above link)