to remember that our issue is a bipartisan one that trancends party politics, but goes to the heart of our very freedom.
Here's my letter:
This is NON-partisan. Proof of fraud by both Democrats and Republicans is my objective. I want to expose it ALL, and include all Americans in a cry for fair democracy. This is something that concerns everyone in this country, and for that matter, the world. There can be no equivocation of the issue...this is a simple matter and to oppose it is indefensible. This scandal was the last straw for me, and a warning call to all who love freedom.
I seek to promote this fact and increase support among the people by appealing to their patriotism, faculties of reason, and outrage. Certainly, if nothing else, there is AMPLE evidence to support the fact that our election system is far from ideal. There is plenty of room for doubt, and little room for comfort in that 20% of Americans polled feel the election is fraudulent to some degree. Calls of fraud have been issued form both the left and the right, from all four political parties who participated in my has pervaded the American consciousness, and overwhelmed our sense of greater morality.
So many people, so stimulated, have reduced their participation in American politics as a direct response to the uncertainty in our electoral process. The media seeks to avoid another Florida debacle, by not reporting on what amounts to another Florida debacle. No matter your outlook, it is clear that these are danger signs for democracy. When the will of the people is uncertain, and our votes unsure, we are forced to evaluate those mechanisms, which have lead us to the precipice of a constitutional crisis that continues to exist whether it is reported or not.
With hundreds of valid and appealing ideas being issued to the American people for reforming our elections, we have nothing more than a price tag to stand in our way. Knowing that we spend 300 billion + to bring freedom to the middle east where it scarcely seems to be at hand, and knowing our nations commitment to providing freedom to all who seek it out, at what price shall our freedom be deemed unworthy? There is no limit to how far we should go to secure our sacred right to vote. There is no limit to the questions we should rightly ask. There is no danger in examination, and skepticism, where none argue that there exist many who would seek to undermine America's fantastic dream. I am committed to exploring the problems in this and all future elections. I am committed to instituting reforms in our voting process, and determining the facts of the election as quickly as possible, hoping that America can know its voice and heal in earnest. What, I wonder, are those who oppose these actions committed to?
The long version...
Democracy is important to you, obviously. The foundation of democracy is our right to vote...Behind every uncounted vote a person who now lives under a dictatorship. We use terms like spoilage and over votes, but for each one of those thousands upon thousands of ballots that are so cast away...There is a human being, just like you or me, who does not live in America...They may live in our borders...but without our votes, we are not free Americans.
Freedom is so important that we have waged a war in foreign lands to grant it to it's people. Freedom is so important that we willingly send ourselves, and our progeny, to die defending it. What price is too high for freedom? Where does freedom sit in our national leader’s priorities? What party or person can make a legitimate claim to own all rights to freedom’s share? It is for all of us...each and every one...What American among us could actually say that in order to be a more perfect union, and count every vote, there is a price too high, a day too long, a job more important?
I am DEEPLY concerned by the callous attitude of many in the political circles in BOTH parties. Kerry takes the brunt of my fury. As a leader in our party, it was his solemn duty to defend our party’s votes. But as President and leader of the majority party, Bush also is required to protect each and every single vote of all citizens. I cannot look either person in the eye. They both have made trivia of the very fabric of our flag, the blood of our slain heroes, and every grain of American soil that makes this nation one.
I appeal to your patriotism and your moral voice. Can you see that this is NOT a partisan issue? This transcends Bush Vs. Kerry, and goes to the heart of democracy itself. There is an overwhelming body of facts supporting the notion that the election was tampered with on some level or another. By what possible moral right can any of us pretend that this is a trifling thing? This is a clear and bleeding wound that goes to the heart of our nation's principles and values. Yet it is framed as a partisan debate having something to do with two opposing figureheads who in the long term mean very little compared to our nations noble history of representative government.
I appeal to your indignation, and your passions when I ask you what price is too high? What priority before this is higher? What on earth could possibly stop the American people, so motivated by the defense of all that is shared as decent and true in our collective senses of justice, from pursuing with all possible haste, the clear intent and determination of every voter? Should it cost 200 billion dollars, the price would be small compared to the countless patriots who have died for our sacred civil right of representation. Should it cost double that, would the soldiers then return to their graves, satisfied that freedom cost too much money after all? How can anyone talk about health care or social security, when millions of Americans across the country can not determine what sort of government it is that we now have?
Perfect transparencies of election procedures, that yet defend our valued rights to secret ballot, are easy to assemble and propose. I have many such plans at my disposal to offer for evaluation. IT cannot be argues that at least a few thousand votes were thrown away. Spoilage and chads, electronic voting machines with complexities so convoluted that most of the electorate could not make an informed decision as to whether they functioned or not! Should our voting standards hinge upon technology that we must rely on arguing experts to trust? Why is such complicated machinery required? Is it not as important to you, as it is to all of us, to define a new election standard to replace those now standing, which are clearly flawed and prone to tampering? Should we not recognize the republican Dino Rossi who has claimed that democrats were fraudulently marking ballots in Washington? We owe more to America, we owe more to our neighbors, and particularly, we owe it to each other. Please stand with us, and help America reform it's election procedures. Evaluate from our perspective, and behold that no matter your party, no matter your outlook, there are those in power who are actively working to prevent the accurate conduct of elections. Shall we the people of the United States of America actually stand by an proclaim this politics as usual?
Share your indignation with us. Lend your voice to ours and stand up for what we all know is right. The right to vote is universal to citizens in good standing and all men and women of good character and sound reasoning must protect this. The sides in this argument are not the forces of Democrats Vs. The forces of the Republicans, as there are members of both groups on each side of this issue. What we now see emerging is a battle between to voice of the people and interests of corrupt politicians for whom the right to vote is merely another political tool.