Time Incident
Broward 2004-11-02 15:53:55 PST Couple voted for Kerry -- when confirmed vote, came out Bush. Called in election poll supervisor, who got same result. Continued to use machine.
Broward 2004-11-02 16:41:26 PST Andrea called to pass on anecdotal information that this happened; she has no first-hand information...voter machines would select wrong candidate when voter selected J. Kerry - G. Bush would be selected.
Broward 2004-11-10 10:11:03 PST When voter pushed button for Kerry, Bush came up on the screen.
Broward 2004-11-11 06:39:50 PST In precinct 249 we are getting reports that voters are pushing Kerry button, but Bush keep's coming up.
Broward 2004-11-13 10:37:11 PST Voter attempted to vote for Kerry and ballot showed vote for Bush instead; she left poll; she tried to clear it and it wouldn't clear; so she cast vote with Bush instead showing.
Broward 2004-11-02 16:19:08 PST Woman went to vote and used electronic voting machine. The two presidential candidates' names came up on the screen, Bush was first and Kerry second. She said she carefully clicked on Kerry but the check mark appeared next to Bush's name. She called someone over to help her and that woman told her to check on the mistaken check mark and it would remove the check mark. Then she could try again and check on Kerry's name. She did and it worked the second time. She was concerned that it took her two times to get her vote right.
Broward 2004-11-02 16:19:57 PST Voters selected Kerry and machine recorded Bush
Broward 2004-11-02 16:51:09 PST Says brother told him he voted for Kerry on electronic machine and machine recorded vote for Bush.
Broward 2004-11-07 09:28:00 PST caller, a volunteer poll watcher, reported that three people complained that their vote for Kerry, had shown as a vote for Bush, after they reviewed their ballots.
Broward 2004-11-02 11:09:15 PST Caller voted for a presidential candidate, but when recap showed up it showed the incorrect presidential vote (she voted for Kerry and it showed up as Bush). She got a volunteer to help her, but wanted to file a comlaint.
Dade 2004-11-30 07:40:49 PST Person is reporting that someone he knows voted for Kerry using touch schrren machine but the summary of the vote showed that he voted for Bush.
Duval 2004-08-31 05:58:55 PST Voter voted for Kerry; when she reviewed the ballot it showed that she voted for Bush. Poll worker said that has been happening to many others.
Hillsborough 2004-11-02 12:07:08 PST - Tried 9-10 times to cast your presidential vote. Kept up checking wrong and delete (Bush). Happened with several voters - poll workers said he was hittin bush with other fingers - poll worker checked cables and said "hit very hard" finally registered co
Hillsborough 2004-11-13 11:26:59 PST Voter selected Kerry and the voting machine showed that they had selected Bush - it took her many tried to correct.
Hillsborough 2004-10-27 15:49:44 PST - machines switching are switching vote kerry to bush -- this ahappens prior to confirmation screen. {cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}- other voters complaining about the same thing
Leon 2004-11-12 08:09:36 PST Aduio only provides opportunity to vote for Bush - no other persons offered.
Leon 2004-11-13 11:00:07 PST Machine problem -- only let you vote for Bush
Miami-Dade 2004-11-16 12:21:08 PST Voted for Kerry but machine showed Bush.
Miami-Dade 2004-11-17 10:20:05 PST Two voters, voting early, used electronic voting machine. They chose John Kerry for president but when they reviewed their choices before submitting their ballots, they found that George Bush was selected instead and they couldn't change the choice.
Miami-Dade 2004-11-17 10:26:00 PST Two unrelated people (taxi driver & store clerk told our volunteer they had voted on touch screens this week and screen showed they had voted for Bush when they know they voted for Kerry -- they got someone to change it before their vote was filed.
Miami-Dade 2004-11-02 17:07:10 PST At review screen, selection changed from Kerry to Bush "before my eyes" as voter pushed red button just before. Voter filed complaint with Kerry lawyer in polling place and told poll worker of problem, who said, "nothing could be done."
Miami-Dade 2004-11-02 10:29:03 PST 3 or more women told person they voted "down the street" (precinct 39V) from the post office at 4429 Hollywood Blvd. They voted for Kerry but the name Bush came up on the sceen at the end, when they voted, when vote was processed
miami-dade 2004-11-02 15:36:38 PST Upon reviewing her ballot before casting her vote, the voter noticed that "Bush/Cheney" appeared even though she had chosen "Kerry/Edwards".
Miami-Dade 2004-11-14 13:19:20 PST Went to vote for Kerry and Bush popped up immediately. I called for help. Woman/precinct worker told him to touch screen for Bush and it popped up again for Kerry. Successfully voted for Kerry on second time trying.
Orange 2004-11-04 13:30:55 PST Selected John Kerry/ green check came up in George Bush's name. Called over poll worker and they got creen to read John Kerry. She stated "it made me wonder if the machines are rigged."
Orange 2004-11-17 06:47:02 PST While voting for Presidential candidate Kerry - had problems with accessing his name. Bush's name kept popping and taking "priority". On the review however it showed Kerry so voter completed vote.
Palm Beach 2004-11-05 13:26:56 PST Voter touched "Kerry" and Bush's name registered. I called poll worker and she told me how to erase
Bush's name. We know of three today - maybe more!
Palm Beach 2004-11-04 12:51:51 PST Went to vote for Kerry and Bush popped up. Immediately called for help. Woman/precinct worker told him to touch screen on Bush and it popped up again for Kerry. Sucessfully voted for Kerry on second time.
Palm Beach 2004-11-11 08:39:49 PST Some people vote Bush instead of Kerry - concept of callabration - okay understand - works on second time. Democratic poll watcher inside aware of the prolbem.
Palm Beach 2004-11-12 07:00:58 PST voter hit kerry button and check mark appeared next to bush. voter contacted poll worker to correct problem but the same thing happened whe she vote the rest of the ballot. she had help and was able to fix ballot before she left, but was concerned.
Palm Beach 2004-11-12 09:12:05 PST A person informed me of a friend who voted. The completed screen (precinct unknown) on the "review ballot" page wrongly stated that the voter had voted for Bush when the voter had selected Kerry. The voter reported this to an election official who responded, "Yes, that machine has been doing that all day."
Palm Beach 2004-11-12 09:15:22 PST She had to select presidential choice 2x before correct choice was reflected. Got help from poll worker; successfully voted. Voted Bush, Kerry got highlighted. Can't remember which machine, maybe 2nd/3rd from right.
Volusia 2004-08-31 05:52:43 PST Voter touched Kerry on screen, got Bush.{cr}{newline}(secondhand report from observer, no contact info for voter)
W. Palm Beach 2004-11-12 08:56:09 PST Tried repeatedly to vote for kerry, got candidate underneath. Was able to vote for Kerry by touching more toward the Bush button.{cr}{newline}machine against back wall, somewhere around the 4th or 5th from the right{cr}{newline}